Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ballet Shoes Gum Paste

fight against malnutrition in Timor Leste

The first one and unique food plant of Timor Leste has just started its production in the capital Dili, under the auspices of the World Food Programme (WFP), a UN agency. It manufactures fortified foods, a mixture of corn, soybeans, sugar and oils, embellished with 17 vitamins and minerals. This food is intended primarily for mothers and infants:

"The plant packages them in small bags that women can retire to the hospital, and it is cooked very easily"

, said WFP Representative Timor Leste, Joan Fleuren on Radio Australia.

This plant food will create jobs, provide an outlet for small local farmers and market gardeners. And then produce locally will be cheaper than importing the WFP.

Pacific News - 29/07/2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Are Kidney Stones Painful

Fernando Lasama at the World Conference of Speakers of Parliament

Parliament President Timorese

attended the 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments, held from July 19 to 21, United Nations in Geneva, with over 130 Presidents and Speakers of Parliaments. The conference focused on democracy, the role of legislative institutions and their relations with the United Nations.

To read more about this conference: the blog of the Conference

To read the final conclusion

Site IPU

Fernando Lasama gave a presentation on July 20 (English, reportable on demand

Saturday, July 17, 2010

How To Create Leather Bracelets

Reduction "dramatic" rate Infant mortality

humanitarian news and analysis
A project of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs United Nations
Saturday, July 17, 2010

PENANG, July 16, 2010 (IRIN) - In Timor-Leste, one of the world's youngest and poorest in the world, the mortality rate of infants and children under five years, as fertility rates have declined significantly, according The last Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in the country.

Preliminary data from the survey - all results will be published later this year - indicate that Timor-Leste's fertility rate now stands at 5.7 births per woman aged 15 to 49 years, two fewer children than in 2003. In addition, since the last survey in 2003, the mortality rate fell from 60 to 44 deaths per 1000 births for infants and

from 83 to 64 deaths per 1 000 births among children under five years.

"With mortality rates for infants and children under five years, the decrease is quite dramatic, welcomed Rui de Araujo, who served as Minister of Health of Timor-Leste between 2001 and 2007.
to believe the experts, the fall in fertility is due to the higher education of women, increasing the number of women in the workforce and a greater supply of health services reproductive.
"We were pleased to see an increase in the use of trained midwives and other maternal health services, Marisa Harrison said the Health Alliance International (HAI), a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that works with government to develop care for mothers and newborns.
The survey also shows an increase in demand for family planning.

"The most surprising change has revealed that the DHS lies in the fact that 72 percent of married women now want to space births or stop having children. This rate was only 35 percent in 2003, "said Melinda Mousaco, National Director of Marie Stopes International, a specialized agency in the field of sexual health.

(...) Read the article at IRIN

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How To Get Poptropica Credits Free

Shanghai World Expo: Day of the flag of East Timor

Hello , welcome to this edition of Culturama which are opened by going to the

Source: CCTV

Read online on the website of People's Daily


Friday, July 9, 2010

Senior Trip Myrtle Beach

Heavy rains and floods in Dili Timor-retention

Photo Avenue Nicolau Lobato before the House of Europe. Photo of Antonio Coelho.

Can Pop Cause Kanker Sours

: Canberra backtracked

Canberra proposes the creation of a regional processing center for refugees

07/07/2010 Gillard, the new Prime Minister of Australia. On 6 July she proposed creating a center in West Timor regional treatment of refugees. All illegal immigrants intercepted at sea would be driven to have been judged by the UN Agency for Refugees and the International Office of Migration before, possibly, to visit Australia or New Zealand. No single stakeholder has given its approval.

@@@@@@@@@ Timor-retention: Canberra backtracked

Posted July 9, 2010 at 7:50
Updated July 9, 2010 at 7:52
The new Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, returned Friday on a controversial center retention in East Timor as part of the policy against illegal immigration. The prospect that this small island nation provides for such a mission, but raised an outcry in Australia but also in Timor, independent country since 2002, dependent international aid.
Read on site


Australia back on its proposed detention center Timor

(AFP) on Google