Saturday, August 28, 2010

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Timor President pardoned his attackers

Pacific News - 25/08/2010

Ramos-Horta 23 just pardon rebels who carried out attacks in the capital, Dili, in 2008. Rebels who shot him in the back twice in February of that year.

President of the East Timorese had to undergo surgery urgently Australia.
All 23 detainees will be freed within days. Among them, one of the assailants, Marcelo Caetano, who apologized to Jose Ramos-Horta. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison last March.
These men are also victims, said Jose Ramos-Horta, justifying his actions.

According to the weekly East Timorese Tempo Semanal, "a presidential pardon that is widely criticized.
For some, it only reinforces the "culture of impunity

" that prevailed in Timor Leste. In late 2009, the government had pardoned a former leader of pro-Indonesian militias, yet the UN-appointed as responsible for the massacre of hundreds of East Timorese in a church in Suai in the south-west in 1999.

Read on the site of Radio Australia in French

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Ear Cheese

Timor Leste wishes to join the Spearhead

The Melanesian Spearhead Group (LDF) , formed in 1983, is an alliance which currently consists of four Melanesian states: Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji, Solomon Islands and FLNKS (Front de Liberation National Kanak Socialist) New Caledonia. A revelation
signed by the Fiji Sun newspaper following a meeting in Suva, the capital of Fiji, between the chief diplomat in Fiji, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola and his counterpart of Timor Leste Zacarias Albano da Costa.
Mr. da Costa will now submit a formal written request to obtain observer status "
Timor Leste wants to be part of the Melanesian family

," adding that Fiji should also join ASEAN, the 'Association of South-East Asia.

Timor Leste has already expressed its support for the reform program underway in the islands of Fiji to restore democracy in 2014 after the coup of 2006.

Read the article on the website of Radio Australia in French

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Floods in Timor-Leste: The UN provides a helicopter

"The UN will continue to assist the government. The UN provides air support by helicopter to ensure that food aid and emergency equipment is carried in the affected areas, "said UN Special Representative for Timor-Leste, Finn Reske-Nielsen, on his arrival in Zumalai, city south-west.

Accompanied by members of the Timorese government, the Special Representative stressed that the UN assisted the authorities in charge of directing humanitarian operations. On site, the delegation met with affected communities to assess needs and listen to the people.

Since two weeks, a total of 230 bags of 25 kilos of rice each and 230 family kits, including cooking utensils and mosquito nets impregnated with insecticide, has been distributed through the air support of UNMIT.

the month of February, the Council of the UN Security Council extended until 26 February 2011 the mandate of UNMIT.

Read the article on the UN website