Sunday, May 23, 2010

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The New Zealand soldiers are leaving gradually Timor East

Pacific News - 21/05/2010

The International Stabilization Force ( IFS) Australian / New Zealand is the largest component of international security operations deployed in Timor Leste. []

The New Zealand soldiers are leaving gradually Timor Leste
The security situation has improved and the authorities Wellington felt that reducing the military presence is needed. The International Stabilisation Force (IFS) Australian / New Zealand is the largest component of international security operations deployed to Timor Leste.

Wayne Mapp, Minister of Defence of New Zealand adds that the next troop rotation Kiwis count only 75 soldiers, slightly more than half of the previous rotations of 140 soldiers.

Wayne said that the IFS is involved in security operations since 2006 and that the efforts of New Zealand will now focus on security but also development assistance.
La  Force de stabilisation internationale (IFS) australo-néozélandaise est  la principale composante des opérations de sécurité internationales  déployées aux Timor Leste. []


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