Sunday, October 3, 2010

Socks For Extreme Cold Weather

Teaching of International Humanitarian Law Domestic Violence

23-09-2010 Press Release 10/177
Timor-Leste: ICRC launches program to teach international humanitarian law
Dili (ICRC) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Red Cross of Timor Leste have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Education of East Timor to begin a program to teach basic rules of international humanitarian law in secondary schools in the country.

"Our main goal is to educate young people the principles of humanity, including the obligation to respect life and human dignity at all times," said Zurab Burduli, head of the ICRC mission in Timor- Leste. The "Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) will be launched as experiment in 2011 in some secondary schools. In cooperation with the Red Cross of Timor Leste, the ICRC will provide technical and educational help to train teachers. "
School authorities of Timor-Leste will adapt the program to the secondary education system in the country.
The "Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) is an important component of activities implemented by the ICRC in Timor-Leste to promote international humanitarian law. It is now used in 60 countries with training materials available in 40 languages.

Read on the ICRC website


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