Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tiffany Granath Sidekicks

The Flying Bus "

New Transit inaugurated today in New York: the aerial tramway. It

a French company that built it in nine months. It is a tram suspended over the Roosevelt Bridge, which connects Roosevelt Island to Manhattan. The New York Times was nicknamed the "flying bus " flying bus. Specializing in the original cable cars in the ski resorts, the group Pomagalski has long diversified urban transport cable. In the absence of an alternative system is a true complement to traditional networks. And in some cases it is necessary as the only solution to overcome such obstacles. And one of the arguments in favor of shock aerial tramway is its cost. Facility back about 20 times less expensive than conventional ground transportation. Thus the bus driving from New York has cost 25 million dollars.

For Poma, the aerial tramway made possible thanks to many technical innovations, is now a showcase of know-how of the company. But his history with the United States does not stop there. "Every year we sell to the Americans about 15 cabins and cables mainly for snow," said Jean Souchal, CEO of the company that works with such resorts as Aspen, Colorado or Vermont.


In Early Pregnancy Can One Boob Hurt More

Maritime piracy: intervention by the Belgian frigate "Marie-Louise"

This Monday, November 29, 2010, the Belgian frigate "Louise-Marie" - participating in the Atalanta - conducted interception and arrest seven suspects [1] from engaging in piracy off the Somali coast and keynianes [2].
doing, Belgium - like other states involved in the fight against piracy - is positioned under the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
more, she meets a very direct the request based cooperation made repeatedly by the Security Council of UN, particularly in its latest resolution [ RES/1950 (2010) ] in this matter dated 23 November 2010.
interception this will end in November 2010 place at the first practical application of the new Belgian legislation in the matter. A diagram (very) simplified the judicial process is presented below.
This does not mean that Belgium will automatically try those suspected of piracy, but that the national judicial authorities (in particular the Federal Prosecution Service) have to be positioned on the advisability of continuing directly or transferring persons concerned, under agreements with other states.
This legislation is interesting in it is amongst the most recent material. It uses a comparative approach to other legislation, innovative in some respects, takes into account recent international case law (including that of the ECHR) and pulls the fruit of the experience of recent years.
noted that different states are also employed to modify their legislation on the subject. This, for example, the case of France .

On several occasions we had the opportunity to address the problem of piracy. For an overview of the issue, for example it is possible to consult the " FUCaM Links "September 2009 or the references page on this blog. Those who want a more technical approach to the laws of 30 December 2009 may refer to the article entitled" The new Belgian law on piracy Seas, published in the International Journal of Comparative Law, 2010-3.

---------------------- [1] On criminalization of attempt, it is necessary to conduct a reading conjugated sections 101, 103 and 110 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
[2] In response, see VRT reportage .

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Top Rated Drugstore Eye Creams

28 nov 1975 to 1928 November 2010 - 35th anniversary of the first declaration of independence

Prime Minister launches officially the new models of stamps of Timor-Leste

Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the proclamation of independence has been the subject of a ceremony at the National Parliament attended by all senior officials of the country and the diplomatic corps accredited in Dili.

Symbolically, Xanana Gusmao took the opportunity to introduce six new stamps. In this International Year of Biodiversity, will participate in the knowledge and protection of various species of reptiles and amphibians in the country.

Frog Timor Limnonectes timorensis

Turtle Chelodina Timor timorensis

The identification of species was conducted by the University of Timor Lorosa'e in partnership with the Victor Valley College, California, project led by Hinrich Kaiser researcher who recalled that these animals are known to Timorese and rooted in national culture. The project, initiated in 2009, about 11 of the 13 districts of the country, has clarified the actual species diversity and identify new ones.

Viper Island Cryptelytrops insularis

Varan Timor Varanus timorensis

Six stamps: two 50 cents (a frog and a turtle), two of 75 cents (a viper and a monitor lizard) and two one dollar (the saltwater crocodile and the snake tan).

Snake Timor Dendrelaphis inornatus timorensis

Crocodile sea

Culture Festival of Timor-Leste

Fri November 26, 16:43 pm

Also as part of commemorations of the 35th anniversary of the first Declaration of Independence, began November 25 for four days, the Cultural Festival of Timor-Leste, organized by the Secretariat of State for Culture, in the gardens of the presidential palace.

Launching the festival, chaired by the PR Ramos-Horta and the Sec of State for Culture Virgilio Smith, the latter recalled how this kind of event is important for valuing diversity and richness of expressions cultural as Timor-Leste has experienced in the past.

The festival includes a variety of dances, traditional music and European-inspired handicrafts, gastronomy. The focus of the festival is a traditional dance: the tebe Dahuri , "a group dance, ritual and socialization, men and women danced a bit around the country, the coastal plains to the summit of the highest mountains of Timor Leste. For hours, men and women dance and sing, by welcoming those arriving or indicating an important moment in the life of the community, "said Virgilio Smith.

National Festival of Sports and Sports Community - November 26 to December 4

The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports organized a national festival for nine days. The launching ceremony was held at the Municipal Stadium in Dili.

will be competing football teams (men), basketball (male and female), volleyball (male and female), athletics in the 400 and 800 (male and female).

Participating in the event of the delegations of the 65 sub-districts.

Why Are The Bottoms Of My Cookies Always Black?

About the Korean crisis

On 26 March, the South Korean frigate "Chenoan" was torpedoed in the Yellow Sea, causing the deaths of 46 sailors. Although North Korea has denied he seems a striking convergence of evidence calls into question his responsibility. On 23 November, the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong who was hit by gunfire also came from the North. Since then, there is a war of words between the two Koreas and a growing tension since the announcement of holding joint maneuvers U.S. Marines and South Korea in the region.
This concern led to remember - so certainly too brief - a few basic legal principles in managing international crises.
The UN Charter calls on states to settle their disputes peacefully and to "refrain in their international relations from resorting to the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations "( UN Charter, Art 2.4 ). It is therefore all forms of aggressive use of "force" that is so off-the-law internationally.
The general rule established in 1945 was completed December 14, 1974 by Resolution 3314 (XXIX) of the Security Council, under which aggression may lie among others in "the bombardment by the armed forces a State, territory of another State or the use of any weapons by a State against the territory of another State "(Article 3 c]). This approach has to be incorporated on June 8 in the definition of aggression adopted by Article 8 bis of the Statute of the International Criminal Court at the end of the session in Kampala.
If the use of force is prohibited for aggression, it remains authorized by Article 51 of the Charter under self-defense, at least until the UN had able to adopt "necessary measures" to maintain peace and security.
Interpretation This latter provision has led to innumerable debates in which he can not enter here into a few lines.
It seems possible to conclude that the use of self-defense is acceptable to postpone by proportionate means an actual or imminent attack. On the other hand, is more difficult to accept the continuation in time and / or space in a defensive action that would amount to a new aggression. It would also be true of a delayed action in time that is closer to armed reprisals for punishing aggression. In a word, whether self-defense can protect themselves in emergencies, it does not give a "good for" the ultimate revenge or future.
Once the danger had passed, the process of non-violent resolution of conflict must regain citizenship. Methods political, diplomatic and judicial found is their normal space of expression.
If these methods prove ineffective, remains the basic rule that the UN has a monopoly of coercion as part of a collective security system. This stress can take different forms ranging from political, technical or economic use extreme force in a multilateral and coordinated.
We do know that these decisions should normally be taken by the Security Council in which the prevailing rule of the veto of the "Big Five" (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States). However, in situations of sensitivity to what we know today in the Far East, one might worry - if it was referring to the traditional diplomatic patterns - that one of the holders of the veto would be tempted to use it, blocking obtaining a decision. The greatest chance of success in maintaining peace and security then reside upstream of the ultimate solutions. Among these are, in addition to any bilateral talks (known in this case they are unlikely), initiatives of the General Assembly, the influence of regional organizations (unrealistic in this case) or proactive diplomacy that can develop the Secretary General of the UN. From this point of view, the situation is delicate because the current Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon of South Korea. Certainly, its function emerges from the contingencies of his nationality, the fact remains that his situation is uncomfortable.
For these reasons, it is hoped that a situation could lead to destabilization of a vast region in which at least three of the five permanent members of the Security Council have a very direct interest, the Korean crisis of 2010 provides an opportunity for multilateral cooperation found. It would certainly have a positive influence on the solution to achieve, but it could also contribute to deviate from an institutional form of multilateralism - Common during the cold war and prevail again since the mid-1990s - and to report to the Security Council's vocation coterie peacemaker.
As the UN seeks to redefine the heart of its mission, this is a major opportunity for tomorrow as much as a current need for peace. The challenge is therefore to measure hope.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Should Women Be Able To Drive

From Lisbon to Vladivostok, Putin's plea for a common market, EU-Russia

Hello ,
Very surprising proposal that made by Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister during the World Economy in Germany, organized by the newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung in Germany. Indeed, he proposes the creation of a free-trade Lisbon to Vladivostok and more generally of a common future between the EU and Russia. This vision, of 20, 30 or 50 years, would aim to create a zone of prosperity on a continental scale, to have an industrial and energy policy.

What about after reading this call ... This is quite unexpected from Putin, who is best known for his nationalist views.
On the one hand, the idea of a large area of prosperity from Lisbon to Vladivostok dream. There would be a tremendous economic potential and it would compete with the United States and China and influence in world trade. Moreover, Russia is the main energy supplier of the EU, the creation of a common energy policy would be a force for global common market.
On the other hand, work to do to achieve this common set is simply enormous . Already just for the 27 EU countries, it is often difficult to reach a compromise and common strategies, then with Russia, it will be even more complex .
And the real question in all this is above all: What future for the EU? What vision over the long term?
With the current crisis around the Euro and the difficult ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon, we arrived at a crossroads for the EU . Mixing between the Intergovernmental supranational and shows its limits and it is time to make a choice. Either we go above the national level to create an ensemble, a common country, or we keep our national system.
But who can believe today that France alone can influence the global response to U.S. and China ...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lisa Mitchell Incomplete Lullaby Piano Sheets

The damn French - Crossroads between France and Quebec by Lynda Lemay


Although they share the same language, separated by the Atlantic Ocean, the French and Quebecers are quite different.

Lynda Lemay , Quebec singer known in France and Quebec, invites us to discover these differences song in his album "Heart and Soul", released in 2000. 10 years later, the song is still so relevant!

Y speak in precise words
Then there pronounce all the syllables
At the end of the field, there s'donnent bis
spend their big day at the table

Y have menus that include not
Y drink wine as if it were water emulsion
Y eat bread bad foie gras
By finding the means to not be fat

Y to do demos quarter hour
Every damn street corners
All taxis have drivers who drive crazy
which stick in the ass

And when it come to speak with us
C ' is for winter or Indian
Long walks in the Ski-doo
Or dogsled

They have tiny cups
huge ashtrays
And there are real coffee adult
They swallow it in two There are engorged

their big German shepherds
And their little darlings
poodles on the floors of restaurants
Grocery stores, pharmacies

Are What dine when to say And there is supper
two hours when there
lunch early morning, it smells like yoghurt Y
not know eggs-bacon

Late evening is more of duck breast chocroute
or snails
All s'déroule c'qu'on tastes good until fucking
In their calf's head

A piece of eyelid, a piece of gum
A piece of ear, nose after
For papillae Tasting
In Quebec, it's a little too

Then we take it for a Martian
When you order a glass of milk
Or when you ask: The bathroom
East in what place, please?

And when they come to us
Y s'prennent toque and Kanuk
start looking igloos
end up in a sugar shack
Y fall in love instantly
With our forests and lakes
And there 's as we start talking
Learn to say: Well Tabarnak

drunk caribou
At Molson and gin
Y rave about our stews
OF pigs' feet and our dishes Binns

Given that we did not smelly cheeses
Y accommodate themselves to an old Cheddar And there
not complain too much either
From our small cafe bastard

When their stay comes to an end They
understood that they have the right
In addition we call Canadians
While there is
Y Quebecois say goodbye, her eyes wet
The solid maple syrup
baggage is carried to them It looks like
wish them bon voyage

It is made of slats that gives
As if we had always done
There's a hole in Quebec
When leaving the cursed French

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Block Calls Time Warner Digital Phone

Table Tennis for Peace

The five-time World Champion Peter Karlsson opens Program Table Tennis for Peace in Timor-Leste

karlsson_medium Legend Swedish table tennis champion and Peace Peter Karlsson was in Dili last October to launch the program Ping Dame Ba Pong (Ping-Pong for Peace) initiated by Peace and Sport and the Federation International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) in partnership with six local NGOs, the Sports Development Foundation and the Global manufacturer of sports equipment Butterfly. 3 days of meetings, friendship and sport to build peace!

Giving benchmarks and build peace through table tennis

Lasting three years, the "Ping Pong Ba Lady" is designed to provide structure and cues to 300 marginalized youth from neighborhoods sensitive and violent of the Timorese capital. In each of the six NGO partners in the project, 50 children aged 8 to 13 years from now will practice table tennis so supervised and monitored twice a week.

By teaching them the necessary concentration to the practice of table tennis and imparting values of personal achievement, discipline, respect and non-violent confrontation, the joint Peace and Sport / ITTF will strengthen education and social integration of these adolescents, often tempted to belong to street gangs .

In parallel, table tennis will also be used as a pedagogical vehicle to transmit messages on prevention of HIV / AIDS, environmental protection, gender equality, democracy and respect for rules citizenship.

Read the rest of the article

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why Does My Stomach Drop On Rollercoasters

The World's Biggest bank in the U.S. isn't

" BNP Grows to Biggest Bank as France Says Size Doesn't Matter"

The world’s biggest bank isn’t in the U.S., where regulators banned lenders from proprietary trading, nor in Switzerland, which is doubling capital requirements. BNP Paribas SA is in France, which is doing neither.

BNP Paribas’s assets rose 34 percent in the three years through June, reaching 2.24 trillion euros ($3.2 trillion), equal to the size of Bank of America Corp., the largest U.S. bank, and Morgan Stanley combined. The Paris-based company may also have one of the lowest capital ratios among major European banks under new Basel rules, Morgan Stanley analysts estimated.
Regulators around the world are considering how to rein in their biggest banks to avoid future bailouts without stifling an economic recovery. France, which will hold the rotating chair of the Group of 20 nations in 2011, is taking a laissez-faire approach even as concerns persist that Europe’s sovereign debt crisis may pose renewed risks to financial stability.

“The French are pretending not to see this,” said Carmen Reinhart, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics and co-author of a 2009 book examining financial crises throughout history. “What policy makers are doing is delaying the inevitable. But delaying malaise is not unique to the French.”

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which sets capital standards for banks worldwide, softened planned capital and liquidity requirements in September and gave lenders about a decade to comply. France and Germany led efforts to weaken regulations proposed by the committee in 2009, concerned that their banks and economies wouldn’t be able to bear the burden of tougher rules until a recovery takes hold, according to bankers, regulators and lobbyists involved in the talks.

The Basel committee agreed to increase the minimum common equity requirement to 7 percent of assets, weighted according to their risks, from 2 percent previously. Individual countries may enforce higher capital requirements for their biggest lenders.

Switzerland, which pushed for tougher rules, is moving ahead with additional restrictions to curb risks from its biggest banks. A government-appointed committee proposed last month that UBS AG and Credit Suisse Group AG, the country’s largest banks, should hold almost twice as much capital as required under the new Basel rules.

‘Their Problem’

Britain may follow with similar requirements, Morgan Stanley analysts said in an Oct. 20 report, while a U.K. government commission is also examining whether the largest banks should be broken up. In the U.S., the Dodd-Frank Act, signed by President Barack Obama in July, prohibits banks such as New York-based Goldman Sachs Group Inc. from engaging in trading for their own account.

Banks’ size wasn’t the main indicator of whether they posed a risk during the financial crisis, and regulators should be wary of making rules specifically targeting size, Bank of France Governor Christian Noyer said at a press conference with French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde in Paris on Oct. 15.

“Asking for more capital isn’t necessarily more virtuous if it’s simply the counterparty to more risk,” Noyer said. “If banks in some countries have very risky profiles and regulators ask them to hold more capital, it’s their problem. Don’t conclude that everyone has to do exactly the same thing.”

France last month passed a law to increase the power of supervisors over bonuses and rating companies. Starting next year, France will also introduce a “systemic tax on big banks’ riskiest activities,” according to the finance ministry.

‘No Sense’

“I see absolutely no reason whatsoever that we should be asked any capital surcharge,” BNP Paribas Chief Executive Officer Baudouin Prot, 59, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “You should ask a capital surcharge from the banks whose business model, whose track record has been between bad and horrendous. And there have been a number of them, but not for BNP Paribas.”

BNP Paribas “deserves” a lower level of capital compared to most of its rivals and the bank shouldn’t seek to hold “a precise level” of common equity above the 7 percent set by the Basel committee, Chief Financial Officer Philippe Bordenave told analysts on a call today. A system with debt securities that convert to equity when a bank faces financial shocks would be “more effective than a capital surcharge” to reduce systemic risks, Bordenave said.

The bank reported a 46 percent increase in third-quarter profit today to 1.91 billion euros, beating analysts’ estimates, on consumer-banking earnings in France, Belgium and the U.S. The stock rose 3.7 percent in Paris trading.

Frederic Oudea, the CEO of Societe Generale SA, France’s No. 3 bank by assets, told a French parliament hearing yesterday that the financial crisis showed “size isn’t linked to risk.” Applying capital standards like those planned in Switzerland “makes no sense” in France, and could curb lending or make it more expensive, he said.

French presidents since Charles de Gaulle in the 1960s have protected France’s so-called national champions, firms spanning industries from energy to aircraft to drugmakers. The current president, Nicolas Sarkozy, led a 2004 state bailout of Alstom SA when he was finance minister and that same year encouraged the nation’s two biggest drugmakers to combine and create Paris- based Sanofi-Aventis SA, dissuading Switzerland’s Novartis AG from making a competing offer for Aventis SA.

When Rome-based power company Enel SpA said it wanted to bid for France’s Suez SA in 2006, the government orchestrated Suez’s merger with state-owned Gaz de France SA of Paris.

BNP Paribas spent about $43 billion on acquisitions since 2000, including the 2009 purchase of Fortis assets in Belgium and Luxembourg, data compiled by Bloomberg show, making it the biggest bank by deposits in the euro area. The number of employees has doubled to more than 200,000 since 2004.

“The French government clearly desires to defend and promote French banks’ capacity to expand abroad,” said Nicolas Veron, a senior economist at Brussels-based economics research organization Bruegel. The fact that French banks did better in the last crisis “doesn’t mean that France has no systemic-risk problems. You must think about scenarios of future risks.”

France has four banks with more than $1 trillion in assets, as many as the U.S., whose economy is five times the size. In the euro region’s four largest nations, Spain’s Banco Santander SA is the only bank aside from BNP Paribas with assets that exceed its home country’s gross domestic product.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Women's Dress Size Changes

Two French did they crossed the Atlantic before Lindbergh?

undated photo of "L'Oiseau Blanc." AFP / -

Decré Bernard, president of the association "In search of L'Oiseau Blanc" has eyes that sparkle ... A 70, the founder of the Tour de France sailing and aviation enthusiast, sees four years of research on the verge of success.

New evidence lend credence to the hypothesis that L'Oiseau Blanc, the plane of Nungesser and Coli, the two French pilots missing in May 1927 when they crossed the North Atlantic would have crashed off the coast of St. Pierre and Miquelon. A discovery that could upset history of global aviation ... Because always, the feat of the first transatlantic flight is assigned to the American Lindbergh. A MYSTERIOUS


few weeks ago, plunged into the U.S. national archives, Bernard Decré puts his hand on a piece of the utmost importance, a telegram dated 18 August 1927, more than three months after the disappearance of two airmen, from a ship of the U.S. Coast Guard.

The telegram from the U.S. Coast Guard revives speculation on the course of Nungesser and Coli.

It reads: "A pair of white wings connected together was found in the west of Sable Island. It could be pieces of wreckage from the plane of Nungesser and Coli." Part of fifteen feet long and four wide all the air has to belong to the unit of the French. She was found 180 kilometers southeast coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. The ocean current of Labrador could explain it has drifted too far from Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Bernard Decré account well dig this track because it think the U.S. has been or still are in possession of a Exhibit irrefutable - the wingtip - and have deliberately covered up the case. A plausible argument under the context of the time the Americans were desperate to get this achievement before the Europeans . Four planes, including the Spirit of St. Louis Lindberg, were on the starting line in New York during this period of turmoil major regattas. On the blog every day that traces his research, Bernard Decré said he had the impression of "having shod a big fish."

When his daughter offers him a few years ago, a book by author and shipwreck hunter Clive Cussler, she does not know what she has triggered. Bernard describes decides to start looking for the mythical bird Blanc. For four years, he searched the archives French and American newspapers found time to recounting the saga of the two airmen.

adventure of the French had led to a misunderstanding remained famous in the history of Allen Press. Following rumors indicating the passage of aircraft over Newfoundland May 9, 1927, eleven days before the crossing of Lindbergh, the success of the flight was announced with anticipation by several French newspapers, before the new is denied. L'Oiseau Blanc and its pilots will never be seen again.

Eighty years later, Bernard Decré made calls to witnesses on Canadian airwaves, probe the seabed of Saint Pierre and Miquelon and collected many testimonies.
Consistent testimonies but also wingtips found here and there in the North Atlantic. For Jean-Georges, president of the Aeroclub de France, the new administrative document, invaluable, today confirms the hypothesis that Nungesser and Coli have well crossed the Atlantic twelve days before the Americans. The discovery engine, one piece of equipment that would have resisted time and water, might remove some uncertainties remain ... But Bernard

Decré remains fair play. He does not call into question the achievement of Lindbergh and just want to shed light on the adventure of its French rivals, which had inquired Lindbergh himself.

The third research campaign in the wreck should take place in Saint Pierre and Miquelon during June 2011.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Biology Diffusion And Osmosis Lab Report

Six questions Ameerah Haq

Ameerah Haq is Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste, set up to monitor the United Nations mission supports peace and stability in this newly independent country. In June, Ms. Haq was involved in an Open Day UN World as part of the series of events organized in 25 countries in post-conflict situation in which high-level officials UN have met with women peace activists. In October, just before speaking before the Security Council of the United Nations as part of its review of resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, for the 10th anniversary of it, Ms. Haq discusses the essential contributions of women in the field of peace.

What happened during the World Open Day Timor-Leste?

We visited a village where the chief of Suko (local leader) is a woman of 29 years. We were very impressed by the way she gathered the village around the issue of domestic violence. In this community, an order of Catholic nuns built a shelter for women victims, and police has helped to create a unit for vulnerable people and a proximity policy.

When women proposed for the first time the creation of a shelter, there was much resistance. People were afraid that it will make the bad publicity to the community. Today, other sukos require the establishment of the same type of shelters. Even some male parliamentarians and other voices having initially opposed the project have now realized its usefulness.

The problem of domestic violence in Timor-Leste there a particular size?

The police statistics show that 65% of all crimes are related to domestic violence.

Read the rest of the article