Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Biology Diffusion And Osmosis Lab Report

Six questions Ameerah Haq

Ameerah Haq is Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste, set up to monitor the United Nations mission supports peace and stability in this newly independent country. In June, Ms. Haq was involved in an Open Day UN World as part of the series of events organized in 25 countries in post-conflict situation in which high-level officials UN have met with women peace activists. In October, just before speaking before the Security Council of the United Nations as part of its review of resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, for the 10th anniversary of it, Ms. Haq discusses the essential contributions of women in the field of peace.

What happened during the World Open Day Timor-Leste?

We visited a village where the chief of Suko (local leader) is a woman of 29 years. We were very impressed by the way she gathered the village around the issue of domestic violence. In this community, an order of Catholic nuns built a shelter for women victims, and police has helped to create a unit for vulnerable people and a proximity policy.

When women proposed for the first time the creation of a shelter, there was much resistance. People were afraid that it will make the bad publicity to the community. Today, other sukos require the establishment of the same type of shelters. Even some male parliamentarians and other voices having initially opposed the project have now realized its usefulness.

The problem of domestic violence in Timor-Leste there a particular size?

The police statistics show that 65% of all crimes are related to domestic violence.

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