Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Omeprazole Out Of System

Muhammad Muhammad the Coward The Coward

test -

Destroying the myth of Muhammad and the bravery of this from Islamic texts.
Failover / Français

What Color Is A Gallbladder

Exclusion zones sea or air? About

Among the measures discussed in recent days about the Libyan crisis, including the establishment of exclusion zones sea and air.
This raises questions first cascade of political expediency, it can also raise a number of key operational issues, it is finally clear of legal issues presented here are a few aspects so ( very) short.

Two examples of "historical" Exclusion
In April 1982, during the conflict that pitted him against Argentina, Britain decreed an exclusion zone of 200 nautical miles around the Falkland Islands (Malvinas or) to respect of all vessels engaged in the war effort along with Argentina. This is an example of action taken in war by a belligerent against another. Today, the use of this concept is not formally prohibited in times of conflict. However, paragraphs 105 and 106 San Remo Manual on the Law of Armed Conflict armed sea insist that certain rules are followed in such circumstances, as an exceptional measure, the principle of proportionality or the safeguarding of the rights of neutral States to legitimate uses of the sea and peaceful

In 1991, during the Iraq-Kuwait conflict, the U.S., the UK and France have declared north of 36 parallel e an exclusion zone for Iraqi aircraft. This area will then be extended by the two states. The alleged legal basis was then resolution 688 (1991) of Security Council. The enactment of this zone has not been without serious legal questions. Certainly, the Council then launched a call for all UN member states and humanitarian organizations for cooperation to "humanitarian assistance efforts." It remains that this resolution was not based on Chapter VII of the Charter, so it offered no legal basis for such military action.

data of the current problem
Not being in a context of armed conflict of international character, a state (or coalition of states) can not a priori perform no deception or naval operation in territorial waters (usually 12 or 22 nautical miles offshore) to third in its agreement [1] . Similarly, the air space under national jurisdiction overlooks not only the land territory, but also the territorial sea of a State. Aircraft military of other states do not have a right to fly without the consent of state authorities underlying [2] . Added to this is a difficulty with the claim of a Libyan sea and airspace above a surface that is recognized by the international community.

It is therefore clear that the decision to establish an exclusion zone could be the result of a resolution of the Security Council based on Articles 42 and following of the Charter. But this requires an affirmative vote of nine of the fifteen members of the Council, including the Agreement (or at least no formal veto) of its five permanent members. However, in this state, the latter seem ... acquired

To overcome all political and operational problems it poses, it would probably significant deterioration of the humanitarian situation or serious risk to the environment [3] .

[1] . This would be contrary to the principle of innocent passage as defined by Article 19.2 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
[2] . See section 3c. the Chicago Convention of 7 December 1944 . See also ICJ, Judgement of 27 June 1986, Case. Of military and paramilitary activities in Nicaragua, sp. point 251.
[3] . Remembering the Iraq-Kuwait war, we think here of lots of oil installations.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Clip Art For Retirement Party

Alex Bexi - Du bist ein Feuerwerk

Hello everyone,

If you regularly listen to radio, you need to know the most recent songs in English as Firework Katy Perry, We Are Who we are Ke $ ha or Higher Taio Cruz and Kylie Minogue.
Since 2006, a young German by the name of Alex Bexi , from Neu Wulmstorf near Hamburg, making videos on YouTube in which he features songs recent ... German! Eminem, Katy Perry, Taoi Cruz and Oasis, he translated the German text, the music and made remixes video, often alone or sometimes with the help of other "YouTubers".

And it works! Just look at the number of times her videos have been viewed to realize. And this is not his 38,000 Facebook fans who say otherwise!
You can find more information about Alex Bexi on its website:

And here are some songs:
Feuerwerk (Fireworks / Katy Perry )

Höher (Higher / Taio Cruz and Kylie Minogue)

wer wir sind Wir sind (We R Who We R / Ke $ ha)

So what do you think?

For my part, I think it's einfach super! And just listen to the versions in German, I am more careful with words, and I realize that sometimes it does not fly high in these American songs!

Well, I do not hide that I would find it great to do the same from French songs. But we're just songs in English yet.

Find all the videos on his Youtube channel:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What The Shag Bands Colours Mean

of resolution 1970 (2011): First thoughts

On 26 February 2011 the Security Council of the United Nations adopted unanimously a resolution important about the situation in Libya .

be observed that the Board determines at the outset a legal targeting "serious violations of human rights" but also "international humanitarian law". This double dimension is not trivial as to identify the nature of a conflict in which, firstly, reached the level of violence seems to exceed what is generally observable in the internal strife and, on the other hand, some areas of the country seem to be beyond the control of official power. The unusual nature of the situation regarding legal definitions and political standard is no doubt that the expression "armed conflict" is not (yet) used, but the phraseology used in the resolution tends in that direction.

As to the facts, are affected, in addition to the plight of refugees and the shortage of medical supplies, "the systematic attacks and widespread that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya commit against the civilian population could constitute crimes against humanity .

From there, the resolution envisages the one hand, the international policy response and operational and, secondly, the judicial process that engages.

The policy response and operational
1. addition to the insistence facilitate humanitarian action International, also the exhortation addressed to the Libyan authorities to show restraint and the creation of an international commission of inquiry, the Council decides
  • an embargo "in & out" on weapons,
  • a travel ban for a number of Libyan officials today (Annex I of the resolution)
  • a freeze on assets of different people (Annex II resolution)
These embargoes, bans travel and freezing assets are legally binding on all UN Member States under Articles 25 and 41 of the Charter.

2. While identifying the legal basis for foreign mining operations is often presented as based on custom, paragraph 3 of resolution 1970 clearly calls on "all states members, to the extent possible, (to) cooperate in the evacuation of foreigners wishing to leave the country. " Certainly, this text does not overtly reference to the hypothesis of an extraction of a military nature, but it does not exclude formally.

3. More broadly, the proposed measures are based on Article 41 of the Charter. It is therefore measures that do not - at this stage - the use of armed force. If things were to deteriorate further, this could be considered by the Council. The Secretary General has suggested, stating that "the actions taken today are severe and, in the days to come, if things do not change, even bolder steps may be taken. " It should be noted that the Russian representative to the Council stated that "it was not necessary to take other measures than those which have been decided by the Council because they would be counterproductive, he said, to stop the violence in this country " (1) .

judicial process
The resolution of February 26, 2011 recalls the basic principle of "Responsibility to protect" the right thing for the Libyan authorities (2) , but also the personal responsibility of the authors or leaders of the perpetrators of attacks against civilians .

It goes much further by entering the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court "of the situation with the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is the theater since February 15, 2011. It is interesting to note the significance of this decision: it is taken with the agreement of three members Permanent Council (benefiting from the right of veto under Article 27.3 of the Charter) which are not parties to the Statute of the Court (3) and relates to acts committed in a State which is not a party either.

Semantics is important because if the Council urges "to other states and international organizations to cooperate fully with the Court and the Prosecutor, it decides that the Libyan authorities" must cooperate fully "with the same judicial authorities.

Certainly, we are not here in the same decision context than that which prevailed during the creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (4) or Rwanda (5) , but notes that the Council took a step in the nomination of a non-conventional criminal court with universal scope. Without doubt it is too early to assess fully the scope and impact of resolution 1970 on this point, but the fact remains that the approach initiated can not fail to retain the interest now.

[2] . See the references that we mentioned it recently on the subject .
[3] . On States Parties, see this link .
[4] . See Resolution 808 22 February 1993.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

W To Tile Around The Tub

Suez: Review of the main aspects of the channel status

The recent passage of two Iranian warships (the support ship and the frigate Alvand Kharg) by the Suez Canal has attracted some interest [1] .
This is the first Iranian ships crossing the Suez Canal since the 1979 revolution.
We know how the issue of transit through the Suez Canal and sensitive. Indeed, the Egyptian decision to forbid (and in the Straits of Tiran) the passage of ships under the flag of Israel is one of the triggers of the Six Day War in 1967. The situation has gradually released from the Camp David accords of 1978.
This gives an opportunity to recall very briefly that the channel sees its status determined by the Constantinople Convention of 29 October 1888 . It can be summarized schematically this status in three points:
  1. freedom of commercial navigation is ensured both in wartime than in peacetime;
  2. warships of all states have entitled to continuous passage. However, they can stop or interfere with navigation, they can not refuel them or supplying them to the limit of what is strictly necessary.
  3. The Canal Zone is neutralized. It can not be blocked or attacked in time of war.
be recalled that each year about 20,000 vessels pass through this channel 190 km long, carrying nearly 100,000 tonnes of cargo, about 14% of world shipping.

[1] . They arrived this February 25, 2011 in the Syrian port of Lattaqia.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rosebud Salve Tattoos

"Get out! "... Yes, but ... or "limits the use of force by the national authorities"

events taking place at the beginning of 2011, mainly in North Africa, invited to ask a number of questions about the international rules applicable to the use of force by the authorities of a State vis-à-vis its own population.
Certainly, no one would deny the possibility for a State to resort to some form of legal and legitimate violence against ordinary crime (robbery, hostage taking, etc..). The other question is obviously when we consider the use of force in politics, especially against a popular movement that develops against the exercise of a power held autocratic.
Governments tend to use an intense crackdown argue that it is within their internal affairs and that Article 2.7 of the UN Charter precludes other states - even the community International structured within the UN - has any jurisdiction to interfere in that framework.
Too simple, the argument is also too low. Indeed, there is first of all be remembered with a founding principle acquired customary force and to which states can not derogate. It is contained in Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person".

The definition of the legal framework
Faced with a situation of intense violence, such as that observed in Libya appears in this month of February 2011, will land all of First the question of whether the law of armed conflict is likely to find here a case of application. A priori, Protocol II of 8 June 1977 Additional to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, " does not apply to situations internal tensions, internal strife, such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence and other similar acts, which are not considered armed conflicts " [1] . However, the extent of popular révollte far as the intensity of repression leads to stress that the commentary suggests that the ICRC is doing to this provision can be identified "situations where, without there is strictly speaking non-international armed conflict, there is however, internally, a clash that has a certain character severity or duration and includes acts of violence. These can take various forms, ranging from spontaneous generation of acts of revolt to the struggle between more or less organized and the authorities in power. In these situations, which do not necessarily degenerate into open struggle, the authorities in power call upon extensive police or armed forces, to restore internal order. The high number of victims has made necessary the application of minimum humanitarian standards. "

In this context, it appears to least reasonable to refer to the rules contained in Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and avoided damage to life and bodily integrity (murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, hostage-taking , outrages upon personal dignity such as humiliating and degrading treatment, sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous trial record after a fair trial).
In recent years, the evolution of designs has also identified a number of rules to apprehend crisis situations without the absolute requirement to enter the debate of the threshold below which one can speak of Armed Conflict. Responsibility of States and their leaders will find a central place.
the responsibility of States and their leaders face their populations
About the specific responsibilities of States towards their citizens, how can we forget the paragraph 138 of the resolution 60 / 1 of the UN General Assembly on 24 October 2005 which states that "Each individual State has the responsibility to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. This responsibility entails the prevention of such crimes, including incitement to know [2] , by means necessary and appropriate " [3] .
In view of these texts, we will highlight the scope of Article 7 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court which includes among the acts that may constitute a crime against humanity, the attack against a particular population and conduct involving the multiple commission of acts such as murder, imprisonment or severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law and all other forms of inhumane acts intentionally causing great suffering or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. (Article 7 of the ICC Statute).

What reaction be?
response unit situation, the question of the possible reaction.
Even before considering the legal understanding of the matter is before the International Criminal Court (provided that the State concerned is party to the Statute) or under the universal jurisdiction of states to prosecute crimes the most serious international law, it should highlight a number of opportunities policy responses, even operational.
Indeed, if the resolution 60 / 1 of the General Assembly of 24 October 2005, already quoted, imposes clear obligations on States to respect their population, it also gives responsibilities to the international community. In particular, paragraph 139 provides that "it is also incumbent upon the international community, through the United Nations, to implement appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other peaceful means in accordance with Chapters VI and VII Charter, to help protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. "

  • Intervention unconstrained army
As such, we know many ways not involving the use of coercion: the embargo on arms and ammunition, sea and air embargo, sanctions on financial assets belonging to the leaders, the embargo on certain exports or imports with the exception of goods necessary for survival of the population.
  • Intervention applicant armed coercion
However, we can imagine that "should peaceful means be inadequate and national authorities manifestly fail to protect their populations "(Resolution 60 / 1, paragraph 139). In this case, a UN intervention involving the use of coercion is theoretically possible on the basis of Chapter VII. Although the situations are quite different, we find a form of example through resolutions 1674 and 1769 (2007) Security Council about the Darfur crisis.
The question of intervention imposed on the territory of a State asks a series of sensitive issues in which we will not come under this short note. However, it is interesting to recall that a reflection of this kind was conducted in 2008 in the lap of the UN and particularly through a document published by the Global Center for the responsability to protect ". This document established a framework for intervention of this kind, highlighting five points:
  • A present or imminent threat of genocide or mass atrocities is it proven?
  • The goal of intervention is it good to prevent or stop this process?
  • Non-binding measures would it be inappropriate?
  • action is proportionate to the aim?
  • intervention will result she by more good than harm?

Beyond that, obviously facing issues such as the success of such a draft decision submitted to the Security Council, that the desirability of such intervention against the regional context , or that of the origin of the troops who should be charged, if any.

As for the European Union , an absence of protest or reaction muted - except to protect its citizens (however that is very legitimate) or its immediate interests - would be incomprehensible.

Or the challenge of moving the unanimous indignation at the concerted action needed ...

[1] . Article 1 st , 2.
[2] . In the case of the Libyan crisis, some remarks standup by leaders in place can polemic in this regard.
[3] . Moreover, we find the same logic, for example, in resolution 1674 (2006) Security Council of 28 April 2006, paragraph 17 or in the "European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid" (Joint Statement of the Board and representatives Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and European Commission (2008 / C 25/01), 4).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Smithfield Barbecue Calories

Timor Leste: Security Council considers the report on UNMIT

members of the Security Council have considered this Feb. 22, the latest report by Ban Ki-moon on the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) .

Ameerah Haq, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, presented the report to the fifteen that evokes the evolution of the political situation and security, support for dialogue and reconciliation, strengthen democratic governance and economic development, the maintenance of security and the promotion of human rights and the administration of justice.

During this meeting, Ameerah Haq, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN in Timor Leste has presented this report in which Ban Ki-moon recommends extension of the mandate of the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste for a further period of 12 months. She informed the Council that the presidential and parliamentary elections to be held in the first half of 2012 will be organized by national bodies of election administration. However it is envisaged that the UN is providing technical support and logistics.

And the economy of Timor-Leste has made a remarkable recovery since the 2006 crisis. These last four years, the country recorded a growth rate of nearly 10%, a decline in poverty and improved human development indicators. The overall situation in Timor-Leste remains calm with an overall trend toward the consolidation of progress towards peace, stability and development, she added.

Taking his turn to speak, the Prime Minister of Timor Leste, Xanana Gusmao, has the overview of the political, economic and social life of his country. He informed members the Security Council's application for membership of Timor Leste in ASEAN, the Association of Asian countries of Southeast Asia.

To receive the text of the statement of Xanana Gusmao, available in English and Portuguese, apply to francetimorleste@free.fr, specifying which language version you prefer.

Link to UN Radio

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Western And Southern Scam

Poor guy: IRAQ - Colin Powell demanding answers about the misinformation

Former U.S. secretary of state had told the UN that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.


Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell asked the CIA and the Pentagon to explain why they had contacted him false information about Iraq that had been provided by a defector dubbed "Curveball" , The Guardian reported Thursday . Colin Powell had said, February 5, 2003, in an important speech to the UN, be aware of the presence of biological weapons in Iraq, based on information provided by "Curveball."

"The question should be asked of the CIA and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) before this false information (the existence of biological weapons) are included in the report sent to Congress, quoted in the speech State of the Union (George W. Bush), and in my speech at the UN on 5 February (2003), "he told the Guardian Colin Powell, responding to interview the defector, the published shall, within the same newspaper.

The defector, alias Ahmed Alwan Rafid al-Janabi, said he lied about the presence of such weapons in Iraq. "We knew for years that the source named Curveball was completely unreliable ", said former U.S. Secretary of State to British newspaper. In his speech to the UN, Colin Powell had presented al-Janabi as a" chemical engineer " . Information provided by al-Janabi had been used by the United States to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The information provided by al-Janabi had yet been considered unreliable by the German secret service, the BND, who had approached the defector in 2000.
Next time, demand for French ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One Piece Nico Robin E Nami Hot

Two French drop


Lamorlette Arnold and Eric Tabellion Los Angeles, February 12, 2011. REUTERS / JASON REDMOND

Two French, and Arnauld Lamorlette Tabellion Eric, received on Saturday February 12 at Los Angeles (California) Scientific and Technical Award of the Academy of arts and sciences of motion pictures, "for having invented a lighting process for synthetic images suitable for feature films. " As recalled by actress Marisa Tomei, who presented the gala dinner in Beverly Hills, "this important step in the evolution of global illumination techniques (Was) used for the first time on the movie Shrek 2 .

In total, ten statuettes and scientific techniques which have been delivered that night to engineers and inventors, in areas as varied as the motion capture of faces, steering gear, the realization of waterfalls safely, cabling systems and suspension for the cameras or the 3D visual effects tools.

designers of software for images synthesis Lamorlette Arnold, 46, and Eric Tabellion, 39, met in 1998 in Silicon Valley, where they worked for the company IDPs (since acquired by DreamWorks). "Global illumination simulates virtual way light bounces off objects and interacts with the geometry of the scene in order to obtain a more natural light, as in real life," they explain, stating: "We have designed a system efficient enough to be used on feature films. "

Prime beneficiary of the process of global illumination: the cartoon Shrek 2, produced in 2004 by Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury and Conrad Vernon for DreamWorks. The method is quickly used in a dozen other major productions Hollywood, which Megamind, Dragons etc. . who have avoided the look vintage enough raw digital images. "We did raise the bar visually," said Arnold Lamorlette who, accepting his award, thanked the producers of Shrek have "taken the risk of using a new technique on such a franchise.

Fifteen employees

Tabellion Eric is still working in animation for the same company of the "Valley." Lamorlette Arnold trained at the School of Public Works ("lack of training in computer graphics available at the time," he says), is co-founder of the famous company Franco-American special effects Buf, involved in the production of The City of Lost Children, Batman & Robin or Fight Club, and recipient of an Annie Award (the price of the animation) for special effects Shrek. He returned to France in 2007 and chose the South (Gémenos, between Aix and Marseille) to install its new digital society, The Bakery ("Bakery"), with fifteen employees. "Our advantage is we have a large technical approach, knowing well the needs of production," says French inventor become indispensable to Hollywood.

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Blogs from Gilles Léveillé


the days of Duplessis, who dared to criticize a policy of the Quebec government was soon accused of "denigrating his province." It seems that today, listen to some politicians and commentators, including columnist Jean-Guy Dubuc of La Tribune, claiming the presence of the Quebec flag somewhere would be a belligerent act. Thus, they say, Pauline Marois would have launched a "war of flags" for the Beijing Olympics, no less! Yet, one people, one nation, wants assert against other nations is something quite normal. Why not discuss it calmly? Instead, some wanted to seize an opportunity that seemed very easy to criticize the PQ and the separatists. Not to mention they were right at the same time, this model of democracy that would become China!

The Canadian flag, no offense to her fans, do not allow Quebecers to assert itself as a nation. The Canadian flag, if one looks at reality is the flag of "Canada, one nation." What that flag means he, in fact, the existence of two nations in this country? The only color which dominates this standard is that we associate with the British Empire, red. It is the color of the uniforms which had been British soldiers during the War of the Conquest and that is now identifying the agents of Royal Canadian Mounted Police .... No place is made on the Canadian flag at the lower symbol that may remind the French presence in this country. Even federalist Quebecers should be offended. (NB There is, indeed, white on the Canadian flag, but without being cynical, remember that it is a sign of surrender ...)

Until Quebec will be part of Canada, the flag Canada in its present form should be unacceptable to Quebecers. How can we think that unique color that characterizes this color so closely associated with a nation, can be the symbol of two nations that live in this country? If the Harper government is at all consistent with its decision to recognize Quebec as a nation, he wants Canadians to adopt a new flag that reflects that one of the historical reality of the country. If not, we must conclude (what is already suspected!) That despite the rhetoric, Canada is simply an English country.

On February 15, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kamehasutra Em Portugues Online

award in Hollywood "When you describe reality, you're Treated as a criminal."

French Provocateur Enters Battle Over Comments

The New York Times


HE is perhaps France’s best-known professional provocateur, as much adored by the xenophobes of the far-right as he is reviled by immigrants, women and gays. But Éric Zemmour might also be misunderstood by his allies and enemies alike, a sort of hopeless intellectual whose nuance is lost in the sensationalist jumble of the media world he inhabits.

A slight man with a quick tongue and a fearsome intellect, Mr. Zemmour, 52, has made a career of speaking on the edge in a culture where the ideal of social harmony often takes precedence over freedom of speech. He can be heard daily on French radio, read weekly in the news media and seen all over television; he is routinely accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, fear-mongering and narcissism, or some combination thereof.

“I’m reviving the ‘French polemic’ in a world that’s on the one hand Americanized, and on the other, that people want to see sterilized by antiracism, by political correctness,” Mr. Zemmour said over coffee at the back of a dark Paris cafe. “That it is to say, where you’re not allowed to say anything bad about minorities.”

In comments that his critics have parsed and denounced and parsed again, he has spoken of a “white race” and a “black race,” decried what he sees as the feminization of society and called homosexuality a social disorder. Last month, though, his pronouncements for the first time brought him before a court, on charges of defamation and “provocation to racial discrimination.”In a televised debate last March he argued that blacks and Arabs were the targets of illegal racial profiling by the French police “because the majority of traffickers are black and Arab; that’s how it is, it’s a fact.” The same day, on another channel, he suggested that French employers “have the right” to deny employment to blacks or Arabs.

The comments surely do not rank among his most incendiary, and, however uncomfortable, the first point might well be true. Even the rights groups that brought the case acknowledge that France’s poor, immigrant populations account for a disproportionate amount of crime, if not a clear “majority,” in a country that does not keep official racial statistics.

MUCH to Mr. Zemmour’s delight, his three-day trial in January drew droves of supporters, including several prominent politicians, along with hordes of critics and a crush of reporters and photographers. His comments had already fueled months of controversy and hand-wringing; he was nearly fired from his post as an editorial writer at Le Figaro Magazine , and Canal+, the television station that broadcast his statement on traffickers, received a warning from the French audiovisual authority.

The intense reaction to Mr. Zemmour’s case — and more broadly, to Mr. Zemmour himself — seems a measure of the tensions in France around race, Islam and integration. And it speaks to the difficulty of discussing those issues in a nation that is committed constitutionally to treat every person simply as a “citizen,” with no acknowledgment of ethnicity, color or religion.

“When you describe reality,” Mr. Zemmour said at his trial, “you’re treated as a criminal.”

His critics say it is less a question of pronouncing realities than how they are pronounced.

“If he had said that there is an ‘overrepresentation of the immigrant population,’ there wouldn’t have been a trial,” said Alain Jakubowicz, a lawyer who heads one of the rights groups that brought suit. “There are the words that are said, and the words that are received, the words that are understood by listeners.”

“He has rights, of course, but he also has responsibilities,” Mr. Jakubowicz added.

From a young age, Mr. Zemmour said, he dreamed of becoming a “journalist-writer-intellectual” in the style of Voltaire, Émile Zola or François Mauriac and other outspoken, sometime-radicals like them. The ambitious son of Jewish Berbers who emigrated from French Algeria in the 1950s, Mr. Zemmour was raised near Paris and attended the elite Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, known as Sciences Po. Later, after being twice denied admission to the even more rarefied precincts of the École Nationale d’Administration, which feeds the highest echelons of French power, he became a journalist, covering politics, and joined the newspaper Le Figaro in 1996.

Mr. Zemmour is a busy man. Beyond his books and novels, and the ceaseless interviews he gives, he presents a daily editorial on RTL , France’s most popular national radio station; co-hosts a debate program on news channel i>TELE ; writes his weekly editorial for Le Figaro Magazine ; and appears on a three-and-a-half hour talk show on Saturday nights on France 2 , a state-owned television station.

PARADOXICALLY, Mr. Zemmour often exercises his right to free speech to endorse stricter limits on similar freedoms. He advocates a return to authorizing only Christian first names for children born in France, a restriction lifted in 1993; his ancestors in Algeria had adopted French names, he noted. And he hailed the ban on the public wearing of the full facial veil as a way “to oblige people to become authentically French.”

“The state needs to do its job, which it’s always done, of imposing constraints,” he said. “For me, France is the ban on the veil.”

He says that his views are those of a silent majority, French people who seek the return of the resplendent France of de Gaulle, a proud, imagined France unencumbered by the guilt of the post-colonial era. Efforts to integrate the country’s immigrant populations have plainly failed, he said, and the country ought to revert to the “assimilationist” approach he says it abandoned decades ago.

“We believe that we have the best way of life in the world, the best culture, and that one must thus make an effort to acquire this culture,” he said. By contrast, he said, the notion of a country made great by the diversity of its people and values “is an American logic.”

Asked why he believes in the superiority of the French model, he said only that “there is a singular art of living” in France.

“For me, France is civilization with a capital ‘C,’ ” he added.

The groups that have taken him to court have been urging an American social vision, he said. Yet, he added, they are not also willing to endorse American standards of free speech, and they oppose the taking of American-style ethnic statistics.

“I’m taking — because they forced it on me — the American model, and I’m throwing the American model back in their face,” Mr. Zemmour said. “But in the name of French tradition.”

It is a delicate distinction, one even his friends worry might well be lost on most people.

“He’s a very naïve guy,” said Éric Naulleau, a co-participant on the show on France 2, on a broadcast last year. “He has yet to understand the rules of the screen, Zemmour. He thinks he’s in a book where you can explain things, where you can step back.”

Like Mr. Zemmour, Yazid Sabeg, the government’s commissioner for diversity and equal opportunity, has been a prominent voice on France’s integration problems. An Algerian-born businessman, he is also the country’s foremost advocate for the legalization of ethnic statistics. But he denounced Mr. Zemmour’s statements about traffickers as inaccurate and calculated “to spread hate,” and he said he hoped to see him convicted.

“I’m for saying everything,” Mr. Sabeg said. “But not nonsense like this.”

Mr. Zemmour shrugged off Mr. Sabeg’s stance, and that of the plaintiffs in his case, as an absurd logical contortion. “They want the American model without the drawbacks of the American model, and that’s not possible,” he said.

“Maybe I’ll be convicted,” Mr. Zemmour Said, With Some satisfaction. "They'll never untangle Purpose Themselves from Their contradictions."

Women Vs Men, Headscissor

Valentine - Valencia celebrates love


As we approach Valentine's Day, for 3 years the city of Valencia is organizing the event "Valencia celebrates love," for all lovers of Valencia.

The main venue of this festival is Peynet the kiosk, the kiosk of lovers on the Campus Martius.

is with curiosity that we went for a walk with friends. Without being exceptional, the atmosphere was nice, as you can see from the photos.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Peeing Lots All The Time

small tour of Berlin - February 2011

Hello, hallo zusammen,

I'm back to Valencia after a few days in Berlin. No waffle, I know you're waiting for photos! They are:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Older Loggy Bayou Tree Stands

USA: Canadian Prime Minister speaks French, Fox This section

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make its official statements always first in French, said Monday his spokeswoman, asked about the attitude of Some American television who cut the transmission of his remarks at the White House.

"Whether or Drummondville Vancouver, Washington or Paris, the Prime Minister has always started his speech in French. And it will continue to do so as long as he is prime minister," said in an email Dimitri Soudas communications director for Stephen Harper.

Canadian media, who have the habit of bilingualism and provide simultaneous translation of about their politicians, noted with indignation that the American networks interrupted their coverage of the press conference for Stephen Harper and his host, Friday, when the head of government in Ottawa has begun to speak French, then back to the turn it was when President Barack Obama to speak.

presenter Fox said his chain "does not broadcast in French," from the new Egypt.

Stephen Harper not only made his statements first in French, but it often responds to questions from journalists in the first language of Molière. According to its surroundings, allowing him to choose his words carefully. And, of course, this produces a positive effect with the Quebec public.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Calories Chicken Frozen

five days in Berlin - February 2011


A little message to say goodbye to Valencia for a few days. Indeed, with Nico we will spend 5 days in Berlin! To me, this will be the third time I go, and it's always a pleasure. For Nico, it will be the first time. A great discovery!
Back in France scheduled for February 11. Until then, expect to see many pictures of the German capital!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Senior Trip Myrtle Beach Beach Houses

Eurovision 2011 - Vasily Amaury represent France in Düsseldorf


It's official, France Television has made its choice for the artist who will represent France at the Eurovision 2011 . And it is the young Vasily Amaury , lyric tenor, which starts in Dusseldorf in May.
This year, France Television set to " excellence in music at the French . Hence the choice of an opera singer. Amaury Vassili is not a stranger. From the top of his 21 years he already has several albums to his credit, whose album " Vincero " sold over 200,000 copies.

More surprisingly, he will perform a song ... in Corsica (with passages in French)!

Will it be enough? To see. He is young, he has a good physique, if the song and after delivery, he may have his chances.

Other news for France. Catherine Lara and Laurent Boyer will comments. Exit Stephane Bern and Cyril Hanouna with their comments during recess. By choosing Catherine Lara and Laurent Boyer, France Television takes the show seriously. The competition will

tough! Indeed, the United Kingdom also formalized its candidate, and is the band Blue , known worldwide for his songs "One Love " and "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word " duet with Elton John.
