Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Blogs from Gilles Léveillé


the days of Duplessis, who dared to criticize a policy of the Quebec government was soon accused of "denigrating his province." It seems that today, listen to some politicians and commentators, including columnist Jean-Guy Dubuc of La Tribune, claiming the presence of the Quebec flag somewhere would be a belligerent act. Thus, they say, Pauline Marois would have launched a "war of flags" for the Beijing Olympics, no less! Yet, one people, one nation, wants assert against other nations is something quite normal. Why not discuss it calmly? Instead, some wanted to seize an opportunity that seemed very easy to criticize the PQ and the separatists. Not to mention they were right at the same time, this model of democracy that would become China!

The Canadian flag, no offense to her fans, do not allow Quebecers to assert itself as a nation. The Canadian flag, if one looks at reality is the flag of "Canada, one nation." What that flag means he, in fact, the existence of two nations in this country? The only color which dominates this standard is that we associate with the British Empire, red. It is the color of the uniforms which had been British soldiers during the War of the Conquest and that is now identifying the agents of Royal Canadian Mounted Police .... No place is made on the Canadian flag at the lower symbol that may remind the French presence in this country. Even federalist Quebecers should be offended. (NB There is, indeed, white on the Canadian flag, but without being cynical, remember that it is a sign of surrender ...)

Until Quebec will be part of Canada, the flag Canada in its present form should be unacceptable to Quebecers. How can we think that unique color that characterizes this color so closely associated with a nation, can be the symbol of two nations that live in this country? If the Harper government is at all consistent with its decision to recognize Quebec as a nation, he wants Canadians to adopt a new flag that reflects that one of the historical reality of the country. If not, we must conclude (what is already suspected!) That despite the rhetoric, Canada is simply an English country.

On February 15, 2011


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