Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Masterbation Vegables

PORTRAITS & SOUVENANCES (Opus 35 - Helen Gauvreau)

"In my opinion, you can not say that you saw something
thoroughly if you do not take a photograph. "Emile Zola


This neologism may seem quirky and deserves an explanation because my biggest tragedy would be losing a player due to a slight oddity. Implore So the reader, trust me, then inform his lantern.

According to my sources inexhaustible, which I can hardly go back in, I can paint a fairly complete picture of my character of the month. We know she has a plethora of interests, but first it is essential to focus on his personality. This

Gauvreau, after a mother and a father lauzonnaise gaspésien is active in nature while emphasizing thinking as a prerequisite to action. A perfectionist, she is constantly optimize all situations, even fun. For this woman, the spirit always takes before the physical, which led her to play an early role of "missionary" by following a star volunteer. Indeed, we shall see later that she has held several humanitarian missions. Insightful, cerebral, fussy, modest, tidy, sometimes chatty, witty, calculator, finicky, caustic if provoked, that's how I sketch its profile.

There is also something in it of a sovereign, secure of his trial and his right. His sense of friendliness, his taste for friendly matches and a very strong sense of family does little to prevent the book moments loneliness, especially on Friday when it offered a little scotch. It seems that this taste for Johnnie Walker goes back to the "heroic" in Africa. You have here a first clue to explain the title of my trifle. When I asked her if she had a French default, only one, the answer came without hesitation and it speaks volumes about the influence that the queen on her prince consort. "I do not agree on that land there! . I felt like a fear of displeasing his majesty. Since that time, she put her hand to ordering a law that governs the relationship for almost 39 years. "Our shared task is: Take care of everything and I'll do the rest." Clothilde

Mom and dad Paul have joined forces to reward the world of the beautiful child at the Hospital St-François d'Assise Québec. We will not mention the year of his birth, saying only that she is a virgin ...

At the age of 20 years, Africa is called. During a mission in Cameroon, she is overwhelmed by an evil troubling. She meets a young man who, by a voodoo spell on the Franco-French and he injects the serum afrodisiaque entering its genes for life. Then the disease of love the terrace until marriage taking place in Papua but not in the bourgeois-Sillery . At this moment, as to sow turmoil in the family of her young husband, she ensnares her friend Ginette Beauport by offering to accompany her fiance's brother to the said marriage. The gesture made a lot of collateral damage . In fact, Quebec has lost Vigneault and inherited a Sybil! Who really won in exchange? No one knows, except that our Afro became the main culprit of all these Trade between France and Quebec for 35 years!

A historic event comes to mind and which continues to this day one of the greatest moments in the history of Criss. 1975, we are witnessing the marriage of another brother and his fiancee Beauport. Our singer, guitar slung, pregnant and well dressed, interprets the most beautiful songs of Brassens, Brel, Leclerc and Vigneault. From my side, your humble scribbler, wearing a beautiful white pants and a bright red plaid jacket, reads the Epistle of circumstance. Together, we formed a duo that stole the thunder heading to the chagrin of the priest Truth ! What memories!

His career is singular and its businesses are flourishing. In his twenties, college classic, it chooses the music and later, his studies led her to major in English. Subsequently, she garnered a degree in translation, a certificate in education and a master's degree in second language teaching. French is bewitched, bewitched same. The Motherhouse college hiring. His spirit is well suited to this aristocratic institution. Upon retirement, she taught at Dawson College, where she lived near the drama that we know, experience traumatic hard to forget. Admiration is the son Sybille quintupled. His

researcher husband of his tour of IREQ has developed a battery that lasts 50 years .... He used this discovery to sublimate his passion and excite his appetite? He wants to use the formula lithium iron phosphate to make the afrodisiaque ... aphrodisiac? Rest assured, the revenue has begun to simmer before Hydro-Quebec's experience. The "missionary" Madame began long ago in northern Canada where she made the animation in Chippewa Indians and Inuit of Nunavut. His adventures ending in Bertoua, Cameroon, where France and Quebec hug. You now have the key to my enigmatic title.

If it were a wine, it looks like he explodes on the palate with nuances alluring and continues on a whole-bodied and fresh. If it were a restaurant, you write that this bistro offers great food in salads and chicken Portuguese Perigord sausages with sauerkraut and Toulouse. If it was a cooked dish, the duck would be honored.

She is a talented photographer who writes light. Director-photo magazine Centres for early childhood, she always looks the most beautiful child in Quebec Mussé somewhere in Montérégie. She is a musician whose voice to a small part of his heart remains in Africa.

It is above all a friend is good to rub it, Helen.
Louis Cousineau
On 1 February 2011


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