Friday, December 31, 2010

Short Pink Sweet 16 Dresses

Happy New Year 2011! Frohes Neues Jahr! Happy New Year! These Valentino

Hello everyone, I wish you

a very good year 2011! health, much happiness and success in your projects!

For the occasion, here's a greeting card:

2010 was a year with many questions, many changes and fortunately, many answers too.

On a professional level, I went after the single player experience. After a year the hotline of the company, I begin today a new professional adventure me running to my account in the translation. And beginnings are very positive! I have already had several large translations to do and I really enjoyed this work. I still have to get my bearings in this new lifestyle, but I am very quickly taste!

associative terms, 2010 was a year very charged.

The largest project was undoubtedly the beginnings of Language Exchange International, the network of language cafés and other groups of language exchange. The network is realized, growing and taking his place in world languages and international. A good start in 2011 which ushered in a more rich!

In Valencia Happy People 26 is attracting more and more participants and many projects were completed in 2010. The association will celebrate its 5th anniversary in January and many projects will mark 2011 to make Valencia a city ever more international and intercultural.

OFAJ was also experienced in 2010 through the network of youth ambassadors. Many meetings and Franco-German projects very interesting go even further in 2011!

All this promises to make 2011 a year even more rich and full exchanges and challenges.

See you next year for more!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

C&c 3 Install Interrupted

PORTRAITS AND SOUVENANCES (Opus 34 - Dominique, Danielle and Diane Nantel)


" The rocking of the nurses, the maternal caresses, catteries sisters, transformed as it were, in the kneading, the dough male. Charles Baudelaire

The Iroquois grew mainly maize, beans and squash they called THREE SISTERS . Chekhov portrays Masha, Olga Moscow and Irina in his novel, THE THREE SISTERS , Finally, Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers created .

At the end of the year, I offer a delicious cone dripping with three flavors. I get gift of the portrait of siblings of THREE D: Dominique, Danielle and Diana. Here is a bull, a ram and a scale. Energy, enthusiasm and sanguine temperament, a combination! I do not pretend that their portraits will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I swear nothing. The album will be rather a triptych of these women as I like them since their childhood. I write as a musician who recorded his creation on the scope: three-time music to make the ingredients for a concert.

In music this movement involves the liveliness and excitement. Dominique will still carries on. This volcano, spewing passions and dreams, has a generous nature and explosive. At the border of the bull and ram, one imagines that, like embers beneath the ashes, the fire is never far away.

Having attracted more than one title of Duchess of Anjou, she met the love of his life during a ski trip. Skiing leads to everything even marriage. The important point is that the wedding took place at Galopin Pointe-aux-Trembles. A name predestined for this woman who lives to us and to date a girl overactive.

"Make tite load" is an activity that it can run multiple times per week or per day. "Wash your clothes in the family room" is a phrase which, among Nantel Gagnon becomes "wash whiter than white".

I can not hide under the carpet that our lovely niece likes to talk. And it causes pleasure! Better, she invented a chat and sounds emanating from his mouth are music to the ears. His words are full of generosity and charm. Often the real mingles pleasantly
m erveilleux. His laugh makes staccato blink when a camera will capture the moment. Do not misunderstand, this is computed as discomfort because under these appearances lies a determined woman, daring, bold and fearless.

She is also a mother hen brooding her children, protects them, pampers, the supports and illuminates their lives. His family is the center of his universe and beware of those who attack it because they will receive in response to a salvo of artillery in defense of his stronghold!

"A home is a residential use by children who find the heat given off by a mother who consumes for them. "
Albert Brie

A conversation with Danielle adagietto is always soft and intimate. Under the guise of a woman down, energy is conserved for the appropriate times. Suddenly his enthusiasm may turn into an unsuspected strength.

Although it occasionally indulges in overeating, especially when the blueberries are on the menu, never the line problems do worry its certificate in employment law and labor it provides assurance and weapons necessary for its feminist demands. His spear is his independent spirit, talk to her manager husband. Fortunately it always ends the administrative board in his adventures. The youngest is the antithesis of the woman "good girl" cherished by so many men who are afraid of women who threaten male self-esteem.

It tastes and interests as a quilt, many and varied. She spends a lot of time shopping. Imagine now that she is retired, how it will give new meaning to glandouillage . Beautify the environment, walking and skiing in delight. They say that idleness is an exercise practice it diligently, especially in the morning when she takes the time it takes to wake up to "rest" of his night's sleep, then her breakfast slowly and generously to the peaceful image of the river at the bottom of his country house perched high. This entertainer likes to receive and to please his guests, his board is always well stocked. His personal adviser and decorator / antique part of his coterie Charlevoix. Finally, to escape the noises that make it pissed, The landslide is a haven of peace.

"We need quiet time to observe his life openly and honestly. Spend those moments alone gives the mind the opportunity to renew itself and create order. " Susan Taylor

THIRD TIME: Appassionato
Diane is passionate in everything she undertakes. Nervous communication easy, sensitive and committed, she is looking for fairness in all. Therefore it is surely a child care competence copy.

As his favorite sport is fishing, it has extended its line to CEGEP catch a big fish. Eager to please, feminine and seductive, it turned into a real mermaid to captivate the man of her heart. And he bit their teeth as they have been together for over thirty years. Her lover knows that to keep it, he must constantly prove he loves what he does with consummate skill!

It is said that love, it is exclusive. This romantic in turn requires a total commitment since it can survive a warm relationship or routine. A tall order for his Rimouski Agrippa.

Gardening has become his passion and this woman compromise fits all situations. Its charm is the dominant characteristic of his personality. It shortly before his indulgence: she readily admits she was somewhat resentful.

artist, a bohemian at heart, she is never satisfied with his works and modify it gleans without end or stop. Friendly, cheerful, sociable, charming, fanciful, just, loving, subtle, and helpful, our passionaria is generous and caring. Sure, on occasion, the bit can be short, but generally it is patient and great listening. Amateur of beautiful things, she excels in all areas related to art and decoration. Sometimes wavering, sometimes resolved, it is always looking for perfection. Everything she does, she runs it with fervor. They say that the passions are less evil than boredom, because they always tend to fall while boredom always tends to increase. With it, nobody gets bored!

"Men love passionate women often passionate love long. " Francis Croisset

Allegro, Adagietto, Appationato, I do not care! Me, I love them for what they are: three nieces of the coterie of Nantel and similar different time. Especially present in my life with grace, love and friendship.

Louis Cousineau
The December 30, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Best Place To Take A Celta Course In The Uk

Warren Buffett

Buffett was born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, the second of three children and only son of businessman & politician, Howard Buffett .

Howard Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska to Hetta Duval Buffett and Ernest P. Buffett, owners of a grocery business. The Buffetts were of Huguenot ancestry

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Davy Crockett

Les Crockett sont from Ireland, descendants of Mr. Croquetagne , a Huguenot captain of the guard of Louis XIV, whose name was anglicized.

Crockett's great-grandfather, William David Crockett, WAS HAVING Been registered as born in New Rochelle , New York in 1709.

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Robert LeRoy

Butch Cassidy was born Robert LeRoy Parker April 13, 1866 in Beaver, Utah, USA - presumed dead 1908 in Bolivia , is a famous bank robber and trains raging in the United States in the late nineteenth century.

The Wild Bunch

After being released, he joins a band of criminals, including his close friend Elzy Lay , Harvey 'Kid Curry' Logan, Ben Kilpatrick, Harry Tracy, Will 'News' Carver Laura Bullion , and George Curry.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Best Program For Making Anime

The Norman Conquest

I learn from the BBC the names "Fitz " come from the old Norman language = " Son of "

-http: / / / wiki /% C3% Conque AAte_normande_de_l% 27Angleterre
-http: / /

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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from elsewhere - Article on Happy People 26 appeared in the Dauphiné Libéré of December 21, 2010


Today, Happy People 26 made the front page of the Valencia section of the local newspaper Le Dauphine Libere! These Valentino from elsewhere - A comprehensive article on the association Happy People 26 and its participants. Thanks to Aurelia

for the article and enjoy!


Friday, December 17, 2010

Color Chart For Wella Koleston Perfect

second anniversary of the International Living


Today is a special day to live abroad. Indeed, 2 years ago, December 17, 2008, I published the first article of the blog, a simple presentation of the blog and its future content.

That time flies! I remember all the thoughts before I start. What content, how many items a week, what platform, etc.. I had a lot of hesitation and finally, we must engage in a while.

And today, the blog content well on its way with more visitors. Thank you all!

For this 2nd anniversary, I invite you to discover some figures from the blog:

Here are the 5 most viewed items:

Happy Birthday in all languages / happy-birthday-in-all-les.html

Eastern Europe map map

Gregory & K. Avgoustakis - You + Me / + Eσύ Εγώ

Madcon / Glow - The first European Flashmob at Eurovision 2010!

You are the Dancing Queen - Abba in French?

The blog is in French, the main visitors come from France, or Belgium, Switzerland and Canada, francophone countries. In contrast, a large number of visitors coming from Germany ...! In the end, my blog has been viewed more than 120 countries, making it truly international forums.

And for his 2nd birthday, the blog just got a new banner thanks to Nicolas. A good start for his third year, which I hope will be even better than the previous 2!

Thank you all for coming regularly to visit my blog. It's always interesting for me to share my passion for international and I am always happy to see that you're growing on the blog.



Thursday, December 16, 2010

French Foreign Legion Eczema

New banner for the International Living


International Living is getting a makeover through its new banner . Indeed, one theme remains the same, as far the banner was the image of the bridge in Heidelberg, overlooking the castle. Following the greeting card I received earlier this week, the opportunity was too good not to enjoy it and now the band takes the photo of the greeting card of Heidelberg, with the beautiful place University (Universitätsplatz) Heidelberg under the snow.

I hope you like it!

Thanks to Nicolas for the banner !


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can You Get Moles On Your Lips?

Wir wünschen eine und ein gutes frohe Weihnachtszeit Jahr 2011 - Heidelberg thank you!

Hello, hallo zusammen,

Sometimes there are little things in life that bring happiness for a day. Today I received a very nice Card from ... Heidelberg !

It is now 3 years since I returned from Heidelberg, after an unforgettable year, and it's always a pleasure to have news of Heidelberg.

Danke für die schöne Karte!


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Pearls of professional language

- "There's one there's risk to the resource pool? No, it is transparent! "(The customer would he mind if we use the same resource for someone else? No, it will have no way of knowing!"

- "We brainstormed on Propal ( We thought all together on the basis of the business proposal)

- "I return to you to validate the MoM" (I'll get back to check the contents of the minutes of meeting Minute of Meeting)

- "There strong tunneling between these two milestones "(There is little information on the progress of the project between these two steps)

-" We took action, it is in the pipe "(We take care of, we expect the result)

- "If it still does not address the issues, we will be unable Committee" (A force not to treat the problems, we can no longer make any commitment)

- "Can you tell me define AS IS and the future to Be organized ASAP, STP? ! (Could you make me an analysis of existing and then set the terms of the future organization as quickly as possible please?)

beads identified by " Les Echos

- "I'll forward the feedback to the client updater pitch before the call." (I make you follow the reaction of the customer to update the presentation before the conference call)

- "You make me drafts an answer? "(You answer me even as a draft?)

-" The deadline is tomorrow? OK I'll draft ASAP, but it will be quick and dirty. "(Oh, tomorrow is the deadline? Okay, I'm sending you something as soon as possible but I warn you it will gross smelter)

- "No time, I have a kick off meeting." (I have a meeting to secure the program)

- "Juniors are limited to the box ticking, but it still costs dear to the customer." (Beginners merely ticking boxes ...)

- "Cruncher" (Compile and analyze data tables)

- "Google it to learn a little more ... (Go look for information about him on Google)

- "It's quick win" (It's easy with quick results!)

- "The Wording" (The formulation of an idea)

- "With this level of spread is really bad price for this rating, but we're still closer the deal. "(With this level of volatility, it misjudged but we will still have the operation)

-" He's a fax partner "(A partner of an international law firm or audit, instead of "drive" the client is happy to process cases that it receives from its international network)

- "You" m'set "a meeting for the week pro? "(You make me schedule a meeting for next week?)

-" You got the number of facilities? "(GS)

-" I tell you forward, but ... delete "(I'll keep doing it ... but then destroy everything!)

-" They read the Propal, we will soon implement. "(They read the business proposal, we will proceed to implementation.)

- "Ok, it's in the pipe" (this way)

- On reading the message: "His" OFA "(" out of the office ") said it was" out " (absent) this week. "

For promotions and pay

-" Have you done your annual review? "(annual meeting with a superior)

-" My n + 1 blame myself for not issuing enough. "(My supervisor is sufficiently productive to me.)

-" This year, whatever the "RATIN", there's no increase "(The rating is a rating given at the end of the year.)

- "In my team, I only have" FA ", but I can not reward ... "(The FA note fully-achiever" is a very effective employee.) . htm

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much Will It Cost To Kill Myself

EAST TIMOR Soon the 11th member of ASEAN?


Timor Leste, the official name of East Timor since its complete independence in 2002, had planned to apply for entry into the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Southeast ) in 2012. When prompted Indonesia, it will speed up the process, writes the daily Kompas . The announcement was made by the spokesman of the Indonesian president who met on December 9 at the forum on democracy in Bali Timorese counterpart, Xanana Gumao. Indonesia will chair next year's regional association.

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Eurovision 2011 - The first candidates


Eurovision 2011 be held in May in Dusseldorf, Germany. This year looks particularly interesting, with the comeback confirmed of Italy in the competition after 13 years absence. Austria will also be taking part.

There is still time before we get there, but some countries have already chosen their candidates.
  • Germany Flag of Germany.svg
Germany is the first country to announce its candidate, who is none other than ... Lena Meyer-Landrut , the winner of Eurovision 2010 with the song Satellite.

A very surprising choice and not necessarily very promising. Some polls show that a large majority of Germans would cons.

There will be a public vote to select the song that Lena will perform during the competition.

In the meantime, here is his latest song "Touch a new day."

  • Armenia Flag of Armenia.svg
Armenia has also been chosen with the artist Emma Bejanyan . The song is not yet known.

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg
Bosnia and Herzegovina has chosen a safe bet by choosing Dino Merlin, a popular artist in Bosnia and the Balkans. His career began long before the wars in the Balkans and yet it remains very popular in most countries of former Yugoslavia.

He has written lyrics for several songs for Eurovision. Sva Bol Svijet in 1993 (16th place) and Putnici in 1999 he interpreted with a French singer, Beatrice (7th place).

  • Cyprus Flag of Cyprus.svg
singer Christos Mylordos was selected by the public at a TV show. He sings in Greek.

  • Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg
The Netherlands has chosen to represent a group at the Eurovision 2011. 3JS has already announced that they sing in Dutch, even though the song is not yet known.

  • Switzerland Flag of Switzerland.svg
The Swiss public has selected Rossinelli Anna, a native of Basel. She will perform the song "In a love for a while." Good luck to Switzerland!

Good luck to the candidates! The other countries will announce their nominations in early 2011.

Who will represent France? Last year, Jessy Matador finished 12th. In France, critics have not been kind to him. Yet he has won everything with Eurovision, the song had a good success in many European countries.


Friday, December 10, 2010

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"001", the alleged pirate captured by Marie-Louise is in Belgium

The hacker arrested Nov. 29, 2010 (with six others) arrived in Belgium this Friday, December 10.
Within twenty-four hours of his arrival on the territory, it must be presented to a judge. It is up to him to determine whether to detain him. Where appropriate, issue a warrant.
On the basis of the Belgian Law of 30 December 2009 on the fight against sea piracy, it seems for the moment and look at publicly available information that two charges can be brought against him
  • direct involvement in 2009 to the capture of Belgian ship "Pompeii", for which he faces a sentence of 10-15 years imprisonment;
  • The attempt, on 29 November, capturing a ship protected by a " Vessel Protection detachment "Belgian, for which he faces a sentence of 5 to 10 years imprisonment [1].

However, it is conceivable that the trial judge who will, in time to hear the case believes that these two offenses were committed with a unity of purpose within the meaning of Article 65 § 1 of the Penal Code . As such, only the severest penalty would be upheld. Note however that, as recalled a recent decision of the Court of Cassation (Cass. 2nd Ch, February 10, 2010), "the judge determines in fact and, hence, sovereign manner so different offenses under its consideration are the successive and continuous in the same criminal intent ".

[1] These penalties may be increased if the person proves to be a leader of the "hacker group" (15 to 20 years imprisonment).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Planetary Planet On Funbrain

Foreign languages studied in the USA

languages that recorded double-digit growth: Korean (+19%), Chinese (+18.2%), the American Sign Language (+16.4%) and Portuguese (11%).

English remains by far the most studied foreign language in American universities with 865'000 entries last year (+5% since 2006). Next come the French (216'000 entries, +5%) and German (96. '000 Registrations, +2%).

Monday, December 6, 2010

Birki Clogs For Cooks

An apartment in Miami

Friday, December 3, 2010

Where I Can Find Matula Herbal Formula

Maritime piracy: legal suites in Belgium?

It appears that judicial action in Belgium should be considered for one of seven people arrested on 29 November 2010 following the intervention of "Marie-Louise" . This person seems to have participated April 18, 2009 to the capture of a ship flying the Belgian flag: the "Pompeii".
should recall that Article 3 § 2 of the Belgian law of December 30, 2009 provides that the Attorney Federal can "continue in Belgium anyone outside the territory of the Kingdom, is convicted of the offense of piracy (...) when the incident occurred against a Belgian ship or where the suspects were apprehended by Belgian military .
Since "The federal prosecutor judge the merits of the prosecution taking into account the concrete circumstances of the case ", a distinction is possible between the different pirates arrested. For the six other people, their placement in a foreign court would therefore be considered.

See also a previous note on the subject.
  • Note that this type of approach is also reflected in other national laws such as, for example, § 4 of Title I of the General Part of German Strafgesetzbuch, Article 9 of Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990 UK or Article 65 of the Criminal Code of Seychelles.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Wikileaks: Ségolène

At the same time, after a meeting with Segolene Royal, the U.S. embassy reported the feelings of Mrs Royal against the United States: she "made clear it does not reject American popular culture, indicating that it looked 'Desperate Housewives. "
Americans are not difficult to meet ...

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Valencia under the December snow


It snowed all night in Valencia. No need for long speeches, I let you watch pictures of Valencia under the snow.