Friday, December 10, 2010

Si-8614 Nanoceptor Manual

"001", the alleged pirate captured by Marie-Louise is in Belgium

The hacker arrested Nov. 29, 2010 (with six others) arrived in Belgium this Friday, December 10.
Within twenty-four hours of his arrival on the territory, it must be presented to a judge. It is up to him to determine whether to detain him. Where appropriate, issue a warrant.
On the basis of the Belgian Law of 30 December 2009 on the fight against sea piracy, it seems for the moment and look at publicly available information that two charges can be brought against him
  • direct involvement in 2009 to the capture of Belgian ship "Pompeii", for which he faces a sentence of 10-15 years imprisonment;
  • The attempt, on 29 November, capturing a ship protected by a " Vessel Protection detachment "Belgian, for which he faces a sentence of 5 to 10 years imprisonment [1].

However, it is conceivable that the trial judge who will, in time to hear the case believes that these two offenses were committed with a unity of purpose within the meaning of Article 65 § 1 of the Penal Code . As such, only the severest penalty would be upheld. Note however that, as recalled a recent decision of the Court of Cassation (Cass. 2nd Ch, February 10, 2010), "the judge determines in fact and, hence, sovereign manner so different offenses under its consideration are the successive and continuous in the same criminal intent ".

[1] These penalties may be increased if the person proves to be a leader of the "hacker group" (15 to 20 years imprisonment).


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