Friday, December 31, 2010

Short Pink Sweet 16 Dresses

Happy New Year 2011! Frohes Neues Jahr! Happy New Year! These Valentino

Hello everyone, I wish you

a very good year 2011! health, much happiness and success in your projects!

For the occasion, here's a greeting card:

2010 was a year with many questions, many changes and fortunately, many answers too.

On a professional level, I went after the single player experience. After a year the hotline of the company, I begin today a new professional adventure me running to my account in the translation. And beginnings are very positive! I have already had several large translations to do and I really enjoyed this work. I still have to get my bearings in this new lifestyle, but I am very quickly taste!

associative terms, 2010 was a year very charged.

The largest project was undoubtedly the beginnings of Language Exchange International, the network of language cafés and other groups of language exchange. The network is realized, growing and taking his place in world languages and international. A good start in 2011 which ushered in a more rich!

In Valencia Happy People 26 is attracting more and more participants and many projects were completed in 2010. The association will celebrate its 5th anniversary in January and many projects will mark 2011 to make Valencia a city ever more international and intercultural.

OFAJ was also experienced in 2010 through the network of youth ambassadors. Many meetings and Franco-German projects very interesting go even further in 2011!

All this promises to make 2011 a year even more rich and full exchanges and challenges.

See you next year for more!



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