Thursday, December 30, 2010

C&c 3 Install Interrupted

PORTRAITS AND SOUVENANCES (Opus 34 - Dominique, Danielle and Diane Nantel)


" The rocking of the nurses, the maternal caresses, catteries sisters, transformed as it were, in the kneading, the dough male. Charles Baudelaire

The Iroquois grew mainly maize, beans and squash they called THREE SISTERS . Chekhov portrays Masha, Olga Moscow and Irina in his novel, THE THREE SISTERS , Finally, Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers created .

At the end of the year, I offer a delicious cone dripping with three flavors. I get gift of the portrait of siblings of THREE D: Dominique, Danielle and Diana. Here is a bull, a ram and a scale. Energy, enthusiasm and sanguine temperament, a combination! I do not pretend that their portraits will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I swear nothing. The album will be rather a triptych of these women as I like them since their childhood. I write as a musician who recorded his creation on the scope: three-time music to make the ingredients for a concert.

In music this movement involves the liveliness and excitement. Dominique will still carries on. This volcano, spewing passions and dreams, has a generous nature and explosive. At the border of the bull and ram, one imagines that, like embers beneath the ashes, the fire is never far away.

Having attracted more than one title of Duchess of Anjou, she met the love of his life during a ski trip. Skiing leads to everything even marriage. The important point is that the wedding took place at Galopin Pointe-aux-Trembles. A name predestined for this woman who lives to us and to date a girl overactive.

"Make tite load" is an activity that it can run multiple times per week or per day. "Wash your clothes in the family room" is a phrase which, among Nantel Gagnon becomes "wash whiter than white".

I can not hide under the carpet that our lovely niece likes to talk. And it causes pleasure! Better, she invented a chat and sounds emanating from his mouth are music to the ears. His words are full of generosity and charm. Often the real mingles pleasantly
m erveilleux. His laugh makes staccato blink when a camera will capture the moment. Do not misunderstand, this is computed as discomfort because under these appearances lies a determined woman, daring, bold and fearless.

She is also a mother hen brooding her children, protects them, pampers, the supports and illuminates their lives. His family is the center of his universe and beware of those who attack it because they will receive in response to a salvo of artillery in defense of his stronghold!

"A home is a residential use by children who find the heat given off by a mother who consumes for them. "
Albert Brie

A conversation with Danielle adagietto is always soft and intimate. Under the guise of a woman down, energy is conserved for the appropriate times. Suddenly his enthusiasm may turn into an unsuspected strength.

Although it occasionally indulges in overeating, especially when the blueberries are on the menu, never the line problems do worry its certificate in employment law and labor it provides assurance and weapons necessary for its feminist demands. His spear is his independent spirit, talk to her manager husband. Fortunately it always ends the administrative board in his adventures. The youngest is the antithesis of the woman "good girl" cherished by so many men who are afraid of women who threaten male self-esteem.

It tastes and interests as a quilt, many and varied. She spends a lot of time shopping. Imagine now that she is retired, how it will give new meaning to glandouillage . Beautify the environment, walking and skiing in delight. They say that idleness is an exercise practice it diligently, especially in the morning when she takes the time it takes to wake up to "rest" of his night's sleep, then her breakfast slowly and generously to the peaceful image of the river at the bottom of his country house perched high. This entertainer likes to receive and to please his guests, his board is always well stocked. His personal adviser and decorator / antique part of his coterie Charlevoix. Finally, to escape the noises that make it pissed, The landslide is a haven of peace.

"We need quiet time to observe his life openly and honestly. Spend those moments alone gives the mind the opportunity to renew itself and create order. " Susan Taylor

THIRD TIME: Appassionato
Diane is passionate in everything she undertakes. Nervous communication easy, sensitive and committed, she is looking for fairness in all. Therefore it is surely a child care competence copy.

As his favorite sport is fishing, it has extended its line to CEGEP catch a big fish. Eager to please, feminine and seductive, it turned into a real mermaid to captivate the man of her heart. And he bit their teeth as they have been together for over thirty years. Her lover knows that to keep it, he must constantly prove he loves what he does with consummate skill!

It is said that love, it is exclusive. This romantic in turn requires a total commitment since it can survive a warm relationship or routine. A tall order for his Rimouski Agrippa.

Gardening has become his passion and this woman compromise fits all situations. Its charm is the dominant characteristic of his personality. It shortly before his indulgence: she readily admits she was somewhat resentful.

artist, a bohemian at heart, she is never satisfied with his works and modify it gleans without end or stop. Friendly, cheerful, sociable, charming, fanciful, just, loving, subtle, and helpful, our passionaria is generous and caring. Sure, on occasion, the bit can be short, but generally it is patient and great listening. Amateur of beautiful things, she excels in all areas related to art and decoration. Sometimes wavering, sometimes resolved, it is always looking for perfection. Everything she does, she runs it with fervor. They say that the passions are less evil than boredom, because they always tend to fall while boredom always tends to increase. With it, nobody gets bored!

"Men love passionate women often passionate love long. " Francis Croisset

Allegro, Adagietto, Appationato, I do not care! Me, I love them for what they are: three nieces of the coterie of Nantel and similar different time. Especially present in my life with grace, love and friendship.

Louis Cousineau
The December 30, 2010


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