Friday, December 17, 2010

Color Chart For Wella Koleston Perfect

second anniversary of the International Living


Today is a special day to live abroad. Indeed, 2 years ago, December 17, 2008, I published the first article of the blog, a simple presentation of the blog and its future content.

That time flies! I remember all the thoughts before I start. What content, how many items a week, what platform, etc.. I had a lot of hesitation and finally, we must engage in a while.

And today, the blog content well on its way with more visitors. Thank you all!

For this 2nd anniversary, I invite you to discover some figures from the blog:

Here are the 5 most viewed items:

Happy Birthday in all languages / happy-birthday-in-all-les.html

Eastern Europe map map

Gregory & K. Avgoustakis - You + Me / + Eσύ Εγώ

Madcon / Glow - The first European Flashmob at Eurovision 2010!

You are the Dancing Queen - Abba in French?

The blog is in French, the main visitors come from France, or Belgium, Switzerland and Canada, francophone countries. In contrast, a large number of visitors coming from Germany ...! In the end, my blog has been viewed more than 120 countries, making it truly international forums.

And for his 2nd birthday, the blog just got a new banner thanks to Nicolas. A good start for his third year, which I hope will be even better than the previous 2!

Thank you all for coming regularly to visit my blog. It's always interesting for me to share my passion for international and I am always happy to see that you're growing on the blog.




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