Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Glory Holes In Dublin Ohio

Pearls of professional language

- "There's one there's risk to the resource pool? No, it is transparent! "(The customer would he mind if we use the same resource for someone else? No, it will have no way of knowing!"

- "We brainstormed on Propal ( We thought all together on the basis of the business proposal)

- "I return to you to validate the MoM" (I'll get back to check the contents of the minutes of meeting Minute of Meeting)

- "There strong tunneling between these two milestones "(There is little information on the progress of the project between these two steps)

-" We took action, it is in the pipe "(We take care of, we expect the result)

- "If it still does not address the issues, we will be unable Committee" (A force not to treat the problems, we can no longer make any commitment)

- "Can you tell me define AS IS and the future to Be organized ASAP, STP? ! (Could you make me an analysis of existing and then set the terms of the future organization as quickly as possible please?)

beads identified by " Les Echos

- "I'll forward the feedback to the client updater pitch before the call." (I make you follow the reaction of the customer to update the presentation before the conference call)

- "You make me drafts an answer? "(You answer me even as a draft?)

-" The deadline is tomorrow? OK I'll draft ASAP, but it will be quick and dirty. "(Oh, tomorrow is the deadline? Okay, I'm sending you something as soon as possible but I warn you it will gross smelter)

- "No time, I have a kick off meeting." (I have a meeting to secure the program)

- "Juniors are limited to the box ticking, but it still costs dear to the customer." (Beginners merely ticking boxes ...)

- "Cruncher" (Compile and analyze data tables)

- "Google it to learn a little more ... (Go look for information about him on Google)

- "It's quick win" (It's easy with quick results!)

- "The Wording" (The formulation of an idea)

- "With this level of spread is really bad price for this rating, but we're still closer the deal. "(With this level of volatility, it misjudged but we will still have the operation)

-" He's a fax partner "(A partner of an international law firm or audit, instead of "drive" the client is happy to process cases that it receives from its international network)

- "You" m'set "a meeting for the week pro? "(You make me schedule a meeting for next week?)

-" You got the number of facilities? "(GS)

-" I tell you forward, but ... delete "(I'll keep doing it ... but then destroy everything!)

-" They read the Propal, we will soon implement. "(They read the business proposal, we will proceed to implementation.)

- "Ok, it's in the pipe" (this way)

- On reading the message: "His" OFA "(" out of the office ") said it was" out " (absent) this week. "

For promotions and pay

-" Have you done your annual review? "(annual meeting with a superior)

-" My n + 1 blame myself for not issuing enough. "(My supervisor is sufficiently productive to me.)

-" This year, whatever the "RATIN", there's no increase "(The rating is a rating given at the end of the year.)

- "In my team, I only have" FA ", but I can not reward ... "(The FA note fully-achiever" is a very effective employee.) . htm


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