Friday, December 3, 2010

Where I Can Find Matula Herbal Formula

Maritime piracy: legal suites in Belgium?

It appears that judicial action in Belgium should be considered for one of seven people arrested on 29 November 2010 following the intervention of "Marie-Louise" . This person seems to have participated April 18, 2009 to the capture of a ship flying the Belgian flag: the "Pompeii".
should recall that Article 3 § 2 of the Belgian law of December 30, 2009 provides that the Attorney Federal can "continue in Belgium anyone outside the territory of the Kingdom, is convicted of the offense of piracy (...) when the incident occurred against a Belgian ship or where the suspects were apprehended by Belgian military .
Since "The federal prosecutor judge the merits of the prosecution taking into account the concrete circumstances of the case ", a distinction is possible between the different pirates arrested. For the six other people, their placement in a foreign court would therefore be considered.

See also a previous note on the subject.
  • Note that this type of approach is also reflected in other national laws such as, for example, § 4 of Title I of the General Part of German Strafgesetzbuch, Article 9 of Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990 UK or Article 65 of the Criminal Code of Seychelles.


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