Sunday, January 30, 2011

Myths About Having An Itchy Nose

The Nobel Prize in Economics in 2008 praised the "difference" against the USA French

American Paul Krugman, winner of Nobel Prize in Economics 2008, boasts the "difference" of France in terms of economic and social choices in relation to the United States, in a column published Friday on his notebook online.

"The truth is that France is a country enjoying the same level of technology and productivity that the United States, but the company has made different choices in terms of retirement and leisure," writes Mr. Krugman.

"Vive la difference," he says in French in the text concludes with a demonstration scaffolded from data provided by a recent study by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Referring to the mixed feelings of attraction and repulsion that animate him often as Americans when we talk of France Krugman notes that this study is that GDP per capita of metropolitan France was about 25% lower than the U.S. in 2008.

However, when one looks at GDP per hours worked, employment rate of the population and numbers of hours worked, it appears that "the French assets are as productive as the active U.S., "says Krugman, supporting figures.

However, he adds, the proportion of French people who work less than Americans, and "when they work," the French "work fewer hours" as Americans.

Krugman explains the difference in employment rates between the U.S. and France for "aid to higher education more generous" in France than in America and especially by the fact that the French are retiring earlier .

"Arguably, this last point is the result of misguided policies," said he nonetheless. As for the lesser number of hours worked in France, he explained "probably mainly by the practice whereby the State imposes the duration of leave."


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ethernet Hdd Dönüştürücü

Roads to Freedom - There Is A Way Back

Hello all,

To survive, man may be capable of anything, even the impossible. Crossing Siberia, Mongolia, China to eventually arrive in India, here is the incredible journey that reveals " Roads to Freedom ," a film by Peter Weir, Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Saoirse Ronan, Colin Farrell.

Based on the book "The Long Walk" (a forced march) Sławomir Rawicz of , this film tells the story of 6 men from different backgrounds (three Poles, a Lithuanian, a Yugoslav and an American), prisoners of the Gulag in 1940, who manage to escape and will travel more 10 000 km to get to India at that time British colony.

Is this a true story? The original book is controversial.

However, one can only marvel at the landscapes of these regions so distant.

The first significant is Lake Baikal.

Then the republic of Buryatia (Russian Republic)

The Gobi Desert.


To finally arrive in India.

A long journey, is not it?

Average Price For A Caterer, 150 People

diplomacy, foreign policy and international system

(Scientific event)

In the framework of the Chair under Belgian Franqui, the FUCaM welcome Prof. Claude Roosens 5 lessons for public

February 7, 2011 at 18:00: The foreign policy of Belgium. Between constraints, power and diplomacy (Inaugural Lecture)

February 17, 2011 at 14:00: The traditional model of foreign policy to the test.

February 23, 2011 at 14:00: The contemporary diplomacy. Its issues, its actors and its methods.

February 25, 2011 at 18:00: The conflict in the Middle East. Between realities of war and hopes for peace.

March 4, 2011 at 18:00: The international system. The European concert of world government

All Welcome

Catholic University Faculties of Mons
Chaussee de Binche, 151 B-7000 Mons
Information and registration:
Tel. 065/32 35 56 or e-mail @ alessia.d_antonio

Sunday, January 23, 2011

R & B Songs For A Retirement Party

Franco-German Week 2011 in Valencia - Die Deutsch-Französische Woche 2011 in Valencia


And tonight ends Franco-German Week, a week rich in Valencia!

I am very pleased that the work of our association Happy People 26 around the Franco-German week has been noticed by the Department of European Affairs. Indeed, we are almost alone in having something to organize the event.

action of Happy People 26 was on 2 fronts. 2 activities in the week and information on the Internet.

respect to activities, Wednesday, January 19, a coffee special Franco-German language was held at Le Cham's. German music has resonated in the bar with songs by Silbermond, Nena, Wir sind Helden and many others. The bar was also decorated with flags and maps of Germany, as well as brochures FGYO were available for participants.

Then we released a DVD of the show this Sunday, January 23 Karambolage. We had many participants and all were very happy to discover the little idiosyncrasies of France and Germany.

On the Internet, every day was a surprise to discover on the site of Happy People 26. Here's a quick summary of surprises.

Surprise 1 - The art of kissing

In France, an expression said "Easy as pie." Yet there is nothing more complicated than saying hello in France because the French are ... a kiss! The following video explains "The art of kissing!

Surprise 2 - Behind the scenes at Arte

You all know Arte, the Franco-German TV channel!

But how does a binational institution? And how the two cultures influence each other in a chain of culture? A report

exciting to discover here:

Surprise 3 - Nena - 99 Luftballons in French

Few songs German are known in France. However, if there is one that is known worldwide, it is the song by Nena, 99 Luftballons, released in 1983.

At the request of Arte, Nena has emerged a Franco-German version of 99 Luftballons. Video below:

Surprise 4 - Half

in Germany and in most countries, when Order a beer, a half, we control 50 cl half a liter.

But in France, where ordering a "half", we get 1 / 4 liter. Why? The answer here.

Surprise 5 - Nutella
Needless to submit the Nutella, I see in your eyes that you mention the name makes me hungry!

But is that Nutella is the same in France and Germany? Not exactly. The answer here:

Surprise 6 - Aurelie, a French woman in Berlin

What happens when a French landing Berlin? That's what I invite you to discover with the song "Aurélie" Wir sind Helden Group, a German group very Francophile who did some songs in French.
Surprise 7 - The Franco-German sofa

And tonight Franco-German Week ends, after many surprises and distribution of DVDs Karambolage has been very successful.

And for those who were not there this after noon, you missed the first Franco-German Sofa! Here he is pictured below.

week France and Germany is now complete. Thank you all for your participation and support!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Acrostic Poems For The Word Parenting

The Battle of Dunkirk

The Battle of Dunkirk (code name Operation Dynamo) took place from May 25 to June 3, 1940.

jostled by Blitzkrieg committed by the German army at the Battle of France, the British Army and units of the French army had to retreat to the north of France.

surrounded at Dunkirk, they led a resistance, in particular the 12th Motorized Infantry Division from Fort des Dunes, designed to win time for the embarkation of the main body to the United Kingdom supported Adolf Hitler gave an order to stop (Haltebefehl) armies German before Dunkirk. The evacuation was carried out using all ships that the Royal Navy could commandeer for crossing the Channel, while the RAF was fighting in the sky to cover the operation. The troops and equipment could not be embedded were captured by the Wehrmacht, but the success of the rescue of the main body may have saved the UK face an invasion to which he could hardly resist.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Get Well Thank You Notes

Some songs the group Die Ärzte

Hello, hallo zusammen,

Today I invite you to discover the music of a German rock band that I like: Die Ärtze . They are very popular in Germany but little known outside speaking countries.

Little presentation:
"The best band in the world! "Die Ärzte

is a punk-rock German from Berlin, who derisively calls itself" the best band in the world. " Their group is recognized as one of the most popular in Germany because they have sold over 23 million records nationally. Westerland Schrei nach Liebe Männer sind Schweine, and are among the best-known songs. Die Ärzte

existed since 1982, with a separation between 1989 and 1993. Since 1993, the group is composed of Farin Urlaub, Bela B. and Rod. Hide behind these aliases January Vetter, Dirk Felsenheim and Rodrigo González. The idea of founding a group is behind a meeting between Farin Urlaub and Bela B. in the early '80s - a time when New Wave German arises and where the movement called "Deutschpunk" became fashionable.

Männer sind Schweine (Men are pigs)

Hello, my darling, I love you
You are the one for me
The others I find all goofy
why do I give you the court
You're so different, I notice something very special
always fast
Now withdrawing from you and lie down
Because I'm so in love with you

equal is it dark, now it is night
is attached as a word of warning

men are pigs
Do not trust them, my child
you want just the one
Because men just the way it is

A man feels only a man
If he can get you
He's lying, that the bar
Just to turn up to bed to
war and then the next morning he can not even remember how you
ruthless and unrestrained
feelings to him completely foreign

him for love is equal to loss of semen
girl, you's was always aware

men are pigs
question does not exist after sunshine
exemptions's unfortunately no
lies in each man but still a pig
men are pigs
Do not believe them a word
you swear eternal loyalty
And then the next morning they are gone

"What have I I done that you always torture me and say you do not love me? "
"You have not yet the slightest idea what love is, we do not even know "

And if you make mistakes but the
And you smile at NEN husband
Mutated your Rosenkavalier
Soon after the wedding the pet
He then shows his true self
entirely unshaven and disgusting
drink beer watching television, and is greasy
burps And and farting in bed

Then you have King Kong to the husband
Drum I tell you mind your always working

men are pigs - left pigs, nasty pig
trust them not my child - nasty pigs, nasty pig
you want just one thing - stupid pig, silly pig
for true love, they are blind - horny pigs

men are rats - left pigs, nasty pig
Meet them only with List - disgusting pigs, nasty pig
you want to mate with anything - stinking pigs, pigs left
What is not at three in the trees - horny men are pigs

pigs - left pig nasty pig
Do not ask for sunshine - disgusting pigs, nasty pig
exceptions there's unfortunately no - stupid pig, Nazi pigs
is in every man but a pig - horny pigs

men are cars - we do not Bullenschweine
not only spare - Nasty Pig, Nasty Pig
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeaaah - Mollies and stones Bullenschweine

cry for love (cri d'amour)

so damn stupid you really are you are well
hatred is your attitude
always boils your blood
all you have to tell you because you really do
know most likely not even know what attitude is

Your violence just a silent cry is for love
your combat boots for tenderness
You never learned up to
and your parents articulate had never ohohoh time for you

Why did not you afraid of stroking
know what all this nonsense
bottom laurel wreath with acorns
I know your heart
And Romance proposes is for you
not only gray theory
between disruptive force and the Onkelz
is ne Kuschelrock LP

Your violence just a silent cry is for love
your combat boots after tenderness
You never learned up to
and your parents articulate never had time for you
ohohoh ASSHOLE

Because you have problems
have no interest
Because you're afraid to hug
are you a fascist
You have your self-hatred of non- other projecting
so no one notices what you sow ne poor
are ohohoh

Your violence is just a silent cry for love
your combat boots for tenderness
you have never met you artizukulieren
and your girlfriend has never ohohoh time for you

Westerland (Westerland, une île de la mer du nord)

Every day I sit at Wannsee, and I hear the waves
I lie here on my towel, but I find no peace
This is a love never end, when shall I see them

again Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine I'm sitting by the sea
Then I think of this island and my The heart is so heavy.
This is a love never end, when I shall see her again

Oh, I'm so longing

I losing my mind I want to continue to the North Sea
I will go back to Westerland

How often I was already on bank, how many times I jumped into the river Spree
had How often save me, so I will not under go
this a love never end, when I shall see her again

Oh, I'm so longing
I losing my mind
I want to continue to the North Sea
I will go back to Westerland

It is a bit more expensive, is one among them
And I know every second is just as silly as I

Oh, I'm so longing

I losing my mind I want to continue to the North Sea
I will go back to Westerland

Boy (Jeune homme)

boy why do not you learn anything?
Look 'at you the Dieter
he even has a car
Why do not you go to Uncle Werner in the workshop?
gives you the 'ne Permanent,
if you ask him about it!

boy ... .. and like you again
look like holes in the pants and always this noise

(what are the neighbors say?)
and then
your hair because I have no words
you have to dye it?
(what are the neighbors say?)
You never come home
we are stuck

boy, do not break 'your mother's heart
it's not too late to enroll at the University

you up but used to be so interested in animals
would be nothing for you boy
own practice

.. and like you again
look like holes in the nose and

always this noise (which will the neighbors say?)
electric guitars and increasingly these texts
Surely No
hear (what will the neighbors say?) You never come home

so much bad company
we'll disinherit you
(which should tell the tax office?)
is where it all end
we are so worried?

and you were such a sweet child
and you were such a sweet child
and you were such a sweet child
you were so sweet ...

And all your friends
you take any drugs but
and always this noise
( what will the neighbors say?)
thinking 'think of your future
' to your parents
you want us to die?

Manchmall have women (les femmes ont Parfois)

In a bar, he spoke to me
he was drunk and he smelled of sweat
he said
boy, listen to me. There's something I know better.
The emancipation is the just reward for the men effeminate
But you can trust to me,
exist between men and women there is a difference of gapes very powerful!
And what I heard, what shocked me totally missing
play I almost force
he said
Sometimes, but sometimes women have only a little bit of flaming you.
Sometimes, but sometimes women have a small kinda like flaming.

I said, let me alone, I hear you no more, you
stinkbesoffenes macho pig.
heard He did not like, he began to zerr'n me.
Shortly after I started me a. He shouted up alternate
not blind, you're not a child.
I make up all, then you know modest.
But instead of me to another room, he began to whimper.
Now did the guy I suddenly tired.
He began to entreaties to, I should finally understand.
His breath gave me nausea.
He said

Sometimes, but sometimes women have only a little bit of flaming you.
Sometimes, but only sometimes have Women a little bit of flaming you.

I blew away and I ran home after.
I had to tell my girlfriend's.
I did not mind it gushed out of me.
The uncertainty began to torment me.
That was never happened to me, I was traumatized.
And I was also curious about something.
smiled Then she lifted her knee and
and rammed it full force in my belly.
When I heard for breath-level and agree they blew an icy breath.
She said

(Refrain [Female voice])
Sometimes, but sometimes women have a little bit of flaming you.
Sometimes, but sometimes women have a little bit of flaming you.
Immer, immer haben ja wirklich wie Typen auf die Fresse WAS verdient.
Immer, immer haben ja wirklich wie Typen auf die Fresse WAS verdient.

Dried Pineapple Nutrition

Franco-German Week 2011 / Deutsch-Französische Woche 2011

Hello, hallo zusammen!

Franco-German Week has begun! Around January 22, many events are organized Franco-German in France and Germany.

But why celebrate a Franco-German Day? And why 22 January?

To date, it is very simple. The Treaty of Franco-German (Elysée Treaty) was signed January 22, 1963 by German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and French President Charles De Gaulle. This treaty marks the real start of the Franco-German friendship, after no less than three wars in less than 100 years. For French, German was the hereditary enemy, and vice versa for the Germans.

The history of Europe is marked by military wars between the French and the Germans, but also influences the wars between the French and German interests. Things are simple. Without Franco-German reconciliation, there will be no Europe possible.

Several decades have demonstrated the importance of Franco-German relationship building Europe. The Franco-German engine for Europe.

Today, the Franco-German friendship seems acquired and nobody would think that a war between the two countries would be possible. This is partly true, the Franco-German reconciliation is a reality. And we must rejoice! However, this does not mean that everything has been achieved and we have seen in past crises about the Euro. In case of disagreement between France and Germany, the situation is blocked. If French is Germans working together they can take Europe forward.

That is why, beyond the symbol of friendship between our peoples, we must continually work together to reconcile, the Franco-German serving Europe.

And to begin this week, I offer the following little game: Do you want pictures with me?

Good is week French-German co ! Frohe Deu tsch -Franzo sisch Woche!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Indian Dress For Rent

blogs from Stéphane Cousineau

During the first Rendez-vous Montréal-Criss, that of 1989, a young man learns beer. During the journey of man with his parents, they visited several cities in France, Holland and Belgium. Chartres, Peronne, mills Kinderdizk, Zandvoort, Alkmaar, Volendam and Marken. Followed by Belgium, the world capital of beer. Why not enjoy it.

The real story begins in Mechelen (Malines), one day in late June. Stella Artois, Orval, Chimay, Trappist, Leffe, Chouffe, Sudden Death, Jupiler, Geuze succeed. Blonde, brown and white, the young man, then aged 23, was not used as much hops.

In Brussels, visit the Grand Place and Manneken Pis, we even caught a glimpse of the King of the Belgians! Then, dinner at Chez Léon. Mother takes mussels and fries, the father and the young man take a steak and chips and of course ... a Gueuze each.

short, after having a few beers at lunch and throughout the afternoon, the young man has a sudden urgency to find a toilet. Unfortunately it is almost 17 hours and the stores are about to close. They eventually find a department store (high end) still open. The youth is rapidly heading towards the toilet. Just happened is a disaster. The young man wore a yellow flaming pants super nice. I'm ignoring the details about what happens next. Ten or fifteen minutes pass. The father of the young man, noting the delay of his son, arrived on the scene and asked this one if everything goes well. The unfortunate young man replied annoyed and dryly: NO!

After a semblance of washing to save appearances, the three tourists must now go back to the hotel which is located in Mechelen. The boy covers his best size and upper back of his pants with his windbreaker and all fall as fast as possible to the hotel after that memorable day.

The young man will remember all her life the adverse effects of abuse of hops, even the best in the world.
Stéphane Cousineau
On January 15, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Meagan Good Windows 7 Theme

In London, the 'Franco-American friendship is the envy

More than one English choked with indignation on hearing Barack Obama, January 10 2011, extolling the friendship between Paris and Washington. What, old England would no longer favors the United States? Unless it has overplayed its charms ...

" We do not have best friends or best friends that Nicolas Sarkozy and the French people ," said Barack Obama January 10, 2011 [when he received the French president at the White House]. Scarcely had he uttered these words Nile Gardiner, a British political commentator based in Washington, rushed on his keyboard to power on his blog site Daily Telegraph. "It is difficult to understand what the French have done for deserve such praise from U.S. President, and if the White House really thinks what she said - and that is a radical change in foreign policy of the United States. "

A little touchy, the gentleman no? "Suggest that Paris, not London, may be the main partner of Washington is simply ridiculous," he says indignantly. "No American president of modern times has described France as its closest ally United States, such an assertion is not only wrong in fact but an insult to Great Britain, especially a few years after the French were openly Washington stabbed in the back about the war in Iraq, "he concludes, apparently on the verge of apoplexy.

Could someone give an aspirin to Mr. Gardner? Nile, you should not get put in such a state. Obama just wanted to be polite. Any president who receives foreign heads of state simply can not escape the statements of this kind: "Hamid Karzai is a great friend of the United States", as said George W. Bush several times, or "Colonel Gaddafi is a great friend of France", as Nicolas Sarkozy has assured in November 2007, when he invited the Libyan dictator to pitch his tent in the gardens Elysium, with its all-female entourage.

That said, the historical perspective, I am sorry to say that Bush has objectively and emotionally right to describe France as the best ally of the United States. The date of September 3, 1783 does not remind you Does nothing [Treaty of Versailles, by which England recognized the independence of the 13 American colonies]? And Lord Cornwallis? General Rochambeau? [The first head of the British troops, was defeated by the second, the head of the American rebels and their French allies at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781]. The French may have just missed the opportunity to be selected as the language of the United States, but without France there would have been no American Revolution. And what is the "stab in the back to Washington about the war in Iraq," France has made a caveat, with courage, an old and dear friend that he was committing a grave error. Other allies found nothing better than to acquiesce.

In general, France and the French have a more candid relationship with the United States that their neighbors across the Channel. In their minds, love need not be bonded. A healthy dose of criticism is expected and even welcome, as a sign of a healthy relationship between equals. If the leftist intelligentsia thought would ridicule the United States just after World War II, a majority of French have embraced American culture. Many American artists and filmmakers, Nicolas Ray Coen brothers, owe much of their world-renowned French film critics. To be a good friend, you must be independent. This was always thought of French presidents, from De Gaulle to Chirac. Nicolas Sarkozy is a unique figure in French politics, preferring instead to use the obsequiousness to critically beneficial. Frankly, Nicolas Sarkozy would like to be American. But that's another story ...


Frequence De Chanel Top Movie

David Morrell Says That The Name in Choosing Rambo He Was Inspired by "the sound of force" in the name of Rambo apples, Which he Encountered in Pennsylvania. Morrell Felt That icts similar pronunciation WAS To The surname of Arthur Rimbaud , le titre of Whose Most Famous work A Season in Hell , Seemed to him "apt metaphor year for The Prisoner-of-war experiences That I imagined Rambo Suffering ".

Monday, January 10, 2011

Black Guy With Guages

Rimbaud Rambo-The United States, too, have their 35 hours

To cope budget deficits, cities and states have decided to cut back on working hours of their employees.
If you are replacing your license or get married at City Hall in Las Vegas, avoid Fridays, the offices are closed. Since January, the city has decided to reduce the working time of employees to 38 hours per week as against 40 before. They are working longer than four days from Monday to Thursday, 7:00 to 17 am 30 or half past nine in a row. Police, firefighters, prisons and some other services remain, they are open on Friday.

America Has "frenchisée" by converting the virtues of the 35 hours? Not quite. If Las Vegas reduces the working time is primarily to save money. The city faces a budget deficit estimated at more than $ 47 million caused by the economic crisis and declining tax revenues. It therefore seeks by all means to cut costs. However, the move to 38 hours should limit spending on wages, but also to electricity, cleaning, cooling or gasoline vehicles function ... A savings estimated at $ 2 million in 2011 and $ 22 million over the next two years. Incidentally, but this is not the main argument, this should also protect jobs by cutting payroll. "We hope this helps us to avoid layoffs," said one of city officials.

Las Vegas is not alone in cutting back on work time to save money. Everywhere in the U.S., cities or states facing massive deficits start to the week shortened. Pasadena, California has imposed 35-hour to its municipal employees when Utah since 2008, the first state to experience the four-day week - but still 40 hours - for all its employees. The Governor of the State of Nevada vetoed at the last minute to a four-day week. In San Francisco, the mayor wanted to sack the 17,000 employees and re-sign with contracts of 37.5 hours against 40 hours ago. But unions have opposed it. But they had to accept 12 days of unpaid layoffs, which would save $ 100 million.

Critics denounce the very long working days, which are crippling the productivity and quality of life for employees. But a study of experience in Utah has shown that employees are excited about this weekend and three days que l'absentéisme a baissé. Quant au public, il semble s'y être résigné et s'est rabattu sur les services en ligne. Financièrement en revanche, les résultats de l'Utah sont plus mitigés. L'État estime qu'il a économisé environ 500.000 dollars la première année en termes d'énergie, bien moins que les 3 millions anticipés...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Do You Do For A Swollen Upper Eyelid

Early American .... were French! Bloggers

Mais Qui Etaient Les Premiers Americains - 1/3
Uploaded by prophecy-comes_sometimes

But who were the first Americans - 2 / 3 Uploaded by

But who were the first Americans - 3 / 3 Uploaded by

Sasuke And Sakura Fanfiction Lemon

Willkommen in Deutschland - Arthur Bricet - The Franco-German friendship is a chance for our two countries


On December 4, a new webzine appeared on the canvas, and not any! This is a Franco-German webzine : Willkommen in Deutschland (Welcome to Germany) :

And who best to present it as his creator, Arthur Bricet ? Here's a little interview:

Romain Galati-Can you introduce yourself briefly?

Arthur Bricet - My name is Arthur, I'm French and I'm 14 years old. I go to school every day like all people my age. My hobbies are computer, aerospace, and of course foreign languages. I am passionate Germany, a country that I love: I was lucky enough to live two months in a German family, and I go every year in Germany through an exchange organized by my college.

RG-Where did you get your passion for Germany?

AB - When I was little, I played with Playmobil, famous figures German. So I loved playing it, I wanted to work for Playmobil in Germany. A few years later my passion for toys was outdated, but it is by being a fan of a German television series that I wanted to start learning German in CE2. Over time, I discovered Germany more generally. It is from this moment when I realized it was a real passion German culture and I liked the same for the German language.

RG-How did your project WID? Can you introduce the concept?

AB - WID was born in 2009. I wanted to create a website in Germany, so I started a blog / site in June 2009. But the concept does not please me, so I gave up. It was in August 2010 that I took the project back from my two months in Germany. On 4 December 2010 the site was put online, but this time as a new concept: a webzine. Each season, a new edition is online. And do not lose visitors, big events are tracked on the German webzine with special pages.

RG-What is your point of view the Franco-German today? What problems and what could be the solutions?

AB - I think the Franco-German friendship is a chance for our two countries . There are many ways to go to Germany, especially for young people. The relations between our two countries are very interesting, especially within the European Union where there are two important players who must work together to evolve.

The main problem for me is the French prejudices that go against Germany. I do not understand how people can afford to criticize a country, language as he does not know him at all. And more frustrating in all this is that they ride in Audi, they do their kitchen with oven Bosh and they scent the Hugo Boss! Unfortunately it is difficult to change attitudes . The solution would be to send these people in Germany, so they can then give a decent opinion on the country.

RG-Do you have other projects and other passions?

AB - For now, WID takes me a long time, but I'm sure some new ideas for my webzine, such as a music player in Germany. I also intend to participate in various events with organizations as FGYO . But for now nothing is sure yet, the site is brand new.

I do not really have other passions besides my projects. But although I like meeting my friends, listening to music, watching television, reading, sports ...

RG-Finally, what are your wishes for 2011?

AB - I wish every success to my zine and I hope it will be useful and will give pleasure to readers! Happy New Year 2011! Ein Frohes neues Jahr 2011!

website Willkommen in Deutschland:

Also find the webzine on Facebook:

And on Twitter: #! / WIDeutschland

Friday, January 7, 2011

Homemade Stuffed Mole On A Snowboard

U.S. outraged by the new partner of Batman Muslim

To help him in his difficult task, is to fight injustice on the planet, Batman decides to select super-hero "associates". In France, he chose a Muslim 22 year-old from a tough neighborhood. The debate rages.

Criminals, Nazi psychopaths: the comic book superhero Batman U.S. has faced many enemies since its inception in 1939. But since he has recruited a Muslim to help fight crime in Paris, that conservatives in his own country he is facing.

"The Batman is a French Muslim immigrants. His name is Bilal and Asselah is a Sunni Muslim Algerian, an immigrant in excellent physical shape, adept parkour (discipline of gymnastics and urban climbing, ed)," writes American blogger Warner Todd Huston on his site Publius Forum.

"Apparently Batman could not find a real French to be the" savior French, "quips the American author, conservative activist, who seems to exclude from its definition of" real French "the millions of French origin North Africa.

A super-hero in the suburbs

In two journals edited and published by DC Comics in December, the hero mask bat decides to select super-heroes to help fight crime in major cities worldwide.

In France, it selects Nightrunner, a young man of 22 year-old from Clichy-sous-Bois, a tough neighborhood north of Paris, which are parties that have ignited the riots in France in November 2005.

The first page of the comic book recalls these events, through three vignettes "Paris, City of Culture", "Paris, City of Love" and "city of music, food and wine" illustrated by graffiti "deep rage," youth hooded rioters and a Molotov cocktail.

Bilal Asselah is mistakenly arrested by police and beaten during the clashes. Thanks to the influence of his mother, a devout Muslim, he rejects any feeling of hatred and concealed under the mask and costume black Nightrunner, becomes a superhero determined to achieve justice. But for bloggers
American conservatives, such as choosing a Muslim super-hero is a new concession to political correctness.

"At a time when Muslim youths terrorizing France, while the Muslim terror attacks worldwide, players are immersed in Batman confusion", denounced Warner Todd Huston.

's blog Angry White Dude (the guy in white anger) mocks the editor suggesting to give "The Muslim Nightrunner strange new powers, such as burying women up to size and crush their heads with rifle rocks", a reference to the practice of stoning.

"If you're so sick and tired of these nonsense-Islam, watch out for my next album, The Unfaithful, featuring Pigman (man pig), a former superhero has become the nightmare of Muslim jihadists "ahead of his side comic book Fawstin Bosch.

The publisher DC Comics has refused to comment on the controversy.


It rappelle qu'on doit la stupidité de l'invention du "politiquement correct" et du "communautarisme" aux...anglo-saxons.

Calories In Veg Stir Fry

MfG - Die Fantastischen Vier - German Abbreviations

Hello, hallo zusammen,

There have been many reactions to my article on abbreviations in the French language ( here ) following the viewpoint of a young German in France.

So to restore a little balance, here is a song by Die Fantastischen Vier (The 4 fantastiques). La chanson s'appelle MfG - Sincerely . Il s'agit de la formule courante que les allemands utilisent dans les Courrier, un peu comme "Cordialement" ou "salutations cordiales" en français. Cette chanson est base sur of abréviation of Sigle et en anglais.

Now that the curtain of the night from the stage lifts can start the game, which to us by the drama of a culture reported

BRD, DDR and U.S.
GbR, GmbH - you can even tell me
THX, VHS and
FSK RAF, LSD and nudist
ADAC, DLRG - ojemine
KMH, ICE and Eschede
PVC, CFCs - is'nich'ok

Mfg Yours sincerely, the world at his feet
us because we stand, we go out for a life full of sound and fury
Before we fall, fall, we prefer to

ENT, ECG and
IHK UKW, NDW und Hubert Kah
BTM, BKA, hahaha
H & M, BOD and FDH
SOS, 110 - ding-a-ling
SED, FDJ and
computing, IBM and www
HSV, VfB, olé, olé
ABC, DAF and
OMD TM3, A & O and
THC in OCB is "What I turn

MfG with kind regards, the world lies at our feet
Because we stand, we walk on it covered for a life full of sound and fury
Before we start, we prefer to fall

MfG with kind regards , the world lies at our feet
Because we stand, we walk on it covered for a life full of sound and fury
Before we start, we prefer to fall

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Long Does An Extinguisher Last

Looking for a German in France - Too many abbreviations in France?

"Suffering from a phobia of foreign languages, they find as the only way to escape this poverty, creating abbreviations for each word in order to confuse all foreigners." MS

This is what writing a German friend living in France on his blog about the French.

For French, it is not always easy to have the necessary distance from his own language. We do not always see the difficulties and inconsistencies that may meet foreigners who learn French.

It is true that between the SMIC CAF, SNCF and other RTT, it is sometimes difficult to navigate.
I realized the problem of French abbreviations in Germany, in a French translation German courses where students Belgians were present. The exercise was the translation of Le Monde editorials in German. While speaking, they had great difficulty in translating these editorials because they were filled with abbreviations or references Franco-French. must not only know the language, but also the functioning of the country or references cultural.

For example, it is not unusual to talk in the press for news of Matignon, the last controversy of Solferino street or what happens at the Quai d'Orsay. For someone who does not know France, news of the hexagon are a real puzzle.

And the latest developments of the language among young people with texting will not fix the situation ...

So, too many abbreviations in French? What do you think?

Quiz Do you know the following acronyms?