Monday, January 17, 2011

Get Well Thank You Notes

Some songs the group Die Ärzte

Hello, hallo zusammen,

Today I invite you to discover the music of a German rock band that I like: Die Ärtze . They are very popular in Germany but little known outside speaking countries.

Little presentation:
"The best band in the world! "Die Ärzte

is a punk-rock German from Berlin, who derisively calls itself" the best band in the world. " Their group is recognized as one of the most popular in Germany because they have sold over 23 million records nationally. Westerland Schrei nach Liebe Männer sind Schweine, and are among the best-known songs. Die Ärzte

existed since 1982, with a separation between 1989 and 1993. Since 1993, the group is composed of Farin Urlaub, Bela B. and Rod. Hide behind these aliases January Vetter, Dirk Felsenheim and Rodrigo González. The idea of founding a group is behind a meeting between Farin Urlaub and Bela B. in the early '80s - a time when New Wave German arises and where the movement called "Deutschpunk" became fashionable.

Männer sind Schweine (Men are pigs)

Hello, my darling, I love you
You are the one for me
The others I find all goofy
why do I give you the court
You're so different, I notice something very special
always fast
Now withdrawing from you and lie down
Because I'm so in love with you

equal is it dark, now it is night
is attached as a word of warning

men are pigs
Do not trust them, my child
you want just the one
Because men just the way it is

A man feels only a man
If he can get you
He's lying, that the bar
Just to turn up to bed to
war and then the next morning he can not even remember how you
ruthless and unrestrained
feelings to him completely foreign

him for love is equal to loss of semen
girl, you's was always aware

men are pigs
question does not exist after sunshine
exemptions's unfortunately no
lies in each man but still a pig
men are pigs
Do not believe them a word
you swear eternal loyalty
And then the next morning they are gone

"What have I I done that you always torture me and say you do not love me? "
"You have not yet the slightest idea what love is, we do not even know "

And if you make mistakes but the
And you smile at NEN husband
Mutated your Rosenkavalier
Soon after the wedding the pet
He then shows his true self
entirely unshaven and disgusting
drink beer watching television, and is greasy
burps And and farting in bed

Then you have King Kong to the husband
Drum I tell you mind your always working

men are pigs - left pigs, nasty pig
trust them not my child - nasty pigs, nasty pig
you want just one thing - stupid pig, silly pig
for true love, they are blind - horny pigs

men are rats - left pigs, nasty pig
Meet them only with List - disgusting pigs, nasty pig
you want to mate with anything - stinking pigs, pigs left
What is not at three in the trees - horny men are pigs

pigs - left pig nasty pig
Do not ask for sunshine - disgusting pigs, nasty pig
exceptions there's unfortunately no - stupid pig, Nazi pigs
is in every man but a pig - horny pigs

men are cars - we do not Bullenschweine
not only spare - Nasty Pig, Nasty Pig
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeaaah - Mollies and stones Bullenschweine

cry for love (cri d'amour)

so damn stupid you really are you are well
hatred is your attitude
always boils your blood
all you have to tell you because you really do
know most likely not even know what attitude is

Your violence just a silent cry is for love
your combat boots for tenderness
You never learned up to
and your parents articulate had never ohohoh time for you

Why did not you afraid of stroking
know what all this nonsense
bottom laurel wreath with acorns
I know your heart
And Romance proposes is for you
not only gray theory
between disruptive force and the Onkelz
is ne Kuschelrock LP

Your violence just a silent cry is for love
your combat boots after tenderness
You never learned up to
and your parents articulate never had time for you
ohohoh ASSHOLE

Because you have problems
have no interest
Because you're afraid to hug
are you a fascist
You have your self-hatred of non- other projecting
so no one notices what you sow ne poor
are ohohoh

Your violence is just a silent cry for love
your combat boots for tenderness
you have never met you artizukulieren
and your girlfriend has never ohohoh time for you

Westerland (Westerland, une île de la mer du nord)

Every day I sit at Wannsee, and I hear the waves
I lie here on my towel, but I find no peace
This is a love never end, when shall I see them

again Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine I'm sitting by the sea
Then I think of this island and my The heart is so heavy.
This is a love never end, when I shall see her again

Oh, I'm so longing

I losing my mind I want to continue to the North Sea
I will go back to Westerland

How often I was already on bank, how many times I jumped into the river Spree
had How often save me, so I will not under go
this a love never end, when I shall see her again

Oh, I'm so longing
I losing my mind
I want to continue to the North Sea
I will go back to Westerland

It is a bit more expensive, is one among them
And I know every second is just as silly as I

Oh, I'm so longing

I losing my mind I want to continue to the North Sea
I will go back to Westerland

Boy (Jeune homme)

boy why do not you learn anything?
Look 'at you the Dieter
he even has a car
Why do not you go to Uncle Werner in the workshop?
gives you the 'ne Permanent,
if you ask him about it!

boy ... .. and like you again
look like holes in the pants and always this noise

(what are the neighbors say?)
and then
your hair because I have no words
you have to dye it?
(what are the neighbors say?)
You never come home
we are stuck

boy, do not break 'your mother's heart
it's not too late to enroll at the University

you up but used to be so interested in animals
would be nothing for you boy
own practice

.. and like you again
look like holes in the nose and

always this noise (which will the neighbors say?)
electric guitars and increasingly these texts
Surely No
hear (what will the neighbors say?) You never come home

so much bad company
we'll disinherit you
(which should tell the tax office?)
is where it all end
we are so worried?

and you were such a sweet child
and you were such a sweet child
and you were such a sweet child
you were so sweet ...

And all your friends
you take any drugs but
and always this noise
( what will the neighbors say?)
thinking 'think of your future
' to your parents
you want us to die?

Manchmall have women (les femmes ont Parfois)

In a bar, he spoke to me
he was drunk and he smelled of sweat
he said
boy, listen to me. There's something I know better.
The emancipation is the just reward for the men effeminate
But you can trust to me,
exist between men and women there is a difference of gapes very powerful!
And what I heard, what shocked me totally missing
play I almost force
he said
Sometimes, but sometimes women have only a little bit of flaming you.
Sometimes, but sometimes women have a small kinda like flaming.

I said, let me alone, I hear you no more, you
stinkbesoffenes macho pig.
heard He did not like, he began to zerr'n me.
Shortly after I started me a. He shouted up alternate
not blind, you're not a child.
I make up all, then you know modest.
But instead of me to another room, he began to whimper.
Now did the guy I suddenly tired.
He began to entreaties to, I should finally understand.
His breath gave me nausea.
He said

Sometimes, but sometimes women have only a little bit of flaming you.
Sometimes, but only sometimes have Women a little bit of flaming you.

I blew away and I ran home after.
I had to tell my girlfriend's.
I did not mind it gushed out of me.
The uncertainty began to torment me.
That was never happened to me, I was traumatized.
And I was also curious about something.
smiled Then she lifted her knee and
and rammed it full force in my belly.
When I heard for breath-level and agree they blew an icy breath.
She said

(Refrain [Female voice])
Sometimes, but sometimes women have a little bit of flaming you.
Sometimes, but sometimes women have a little bit of flaming you.
Immer, immer haben ja wirklich wie Typen auf die Fresse WAS verdient.
Immer, immer haben ja wirklich wie Typen auf die Fresse WAS verdient.


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