Sunday, January 23, 2011

R & B Songs For A Retirement Party

Franco-German Week 2011 in Valencia - Die Deutsch-Französische Woche 2011 in Valencia


And tonight ends Franco-German Week, a week rich in Valencia!

I am very pleased that the work of our association Happy People 26 around the Franco-German week has been noticed by the Department of European Affairs. Indeed, we are almost alone in having something to organize the event.

action of Happy People 26 was on 2 fronts. 2 activities in the week and information on the Internet.

respect to activities, Wednesday, January 19, a coffee special Franco-German language was held at Le Cham's. German music has resonated in the bar with songs by Silbermond, Nena, Wir sind Helden and many others. The bar was also decorated with flags and maps of Germany, as well as brochures FGYO were available for participants.

Then we released a DVD of the show this Sunday, January 23 Karambolage. We had many participants and all were very happy to discover the little idiosyncrasies of France and Germany.

On the Internet, every day was a surprise to discover on the site of Happy People 26. Here's a quick summary of surprises.

Surprise 1 - The art of kissing

In France, an expression said "Easy as pie." Yet there is nothing more complicated than saying hello in France because the French are ... a kiss! The following video explains "The art of kissing!

Surprise 2 - Behind the scenes at Arte

You all know Arte, the Franco-German TV channel!

But how does a binational institution? And how the two cultures influence each other in a chain of culture? A report

exciting to discover here:

Surprise 3 - Nena - 99 Luftballons in French

Few songs German are known in France. However, if there is one that is known worldwide, it is the song by Nena, 99 Luftballons, released in 1983.

At the request of Arte, Nena has emerged a Franco-German version of 99 Luftballons. Video below:

Surprise 4 - Half

in Germany and in most countries, when Order a beer, a half, we control 50 cl half a liter.

But in France, where ordering a "half", we get 1 / 4 liter. Why? The answer here.

Surprise 5 - Nutella
Needless to submit the Nutella, I see in your eyes that you mention the name makes me hungry!

But is that Nutella is the same in France and Germany? Not exactly. The answer here:

Surprise 6 - Aurelie, a French woman in Berlin

What happens when a French landing Berlin? That's what I invite you to discover with the song "Aurélie" Wir sind Helden Group, a German group very Francophile who did some songs in French.
Surprise 7 - The Franco-German sofa

And tonight Franco-German Week ends, after many surprises and distribution of DVDs Karambolage has been very successful.

And for those who were not there this after noon, you missed the first Franco-German Sofa! Here he is pictured below.

week France and Germany is now complete. Thank you all for your participation and support!



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