Monday, January 10, 2011

Black Guy With Guages

Rimbaud Rambo-The United States, too, have their 35 hours

To cope budget deficits, cities and states have decided to cut back on working hours of their employees.
If you are replacing your license or get married at City Hall in Las Vegas, avoid Fridays, the offices are closed. Since January, the city has decided to reduce the working time of employees to 38 hours per week as against 40 before. They are working longer than four days from Monday to Thursday, 7:00 to 17 am 30 or half past nine in a row. Police, firefighters, prisons and some other services remain, they are open on Friday.

America Has "frenchisée" by converting the virtues of the 35 hours? Not quite. If Las Vegas reduces the working time is primarily to save money. The city faces a budget deficit estimated at more than $ 47 million caused by the economic crisis and declining tax revenues. It therefore seeks by all means to cut costs. However, the move to 38 hours should limit spending on wages, but also to electricity, cleaning, cooling or gasoline vehicles function ... A savings estimated at $ 2 million in 2011 and $ 22 million over the next two years. Incidentally, but this is not the main argument, this should also protect jobs by cutting payroll. "We hope this helps us to avoid layoffs," said one of city officials.

Las Vegas is not alone in cutting back on work time to save money. Everywhere in the U.S., cities or states facing massive deficits start to the week shortened. Pasadena, California has imposed 35-hour to its municipal employees when Utah since 2008, the first state to experience the four-day week - but still 40 hours - for all its employees. The Governor of the State of Nevada vetoed at the last minute to a four-day week. In San Francisco, the mayor wanted to sack the 17,000 employees and re-sign with contracts of 37.5 hours against 40 hours ago. But unions have opposed it. But they had to accept 12 days of unpaid layoffs, which would save $ 100 million.

Critics denounce the very long working days, which are crippling the productivity and quality of life for employees. But a study of experience in Utah has shown that employees are excited about this weekend and three days que l'absentéisme a baissé. Quant au public, il semble s'y être résigné et s'est rabattu sur les services en ligne. Financièrement en revanche, les résultats de l'Utah sont plus mitigés. L'État estime qu'il a économisé environ 500.000 dollars la première année en termes d'énergie, bien moins que les 3 millions anticipés...


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