Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sound Forge Vocal Eraser

Europeans and tobacco - A quick look


Gradually, all European countries adopt anti-smoking laws in public places. If the intent and objectives are similar, the measures taken are very different between countries. Here's a quick overview of the tobacco situation in Europe.




Public Places
: January 1 2008, he banned smoking in bars, restaurants and nightclubs, in most regional states (Länder).
Conservators can keep a room "smokers", provided it is separated from the room reserved for nonsmokers. Only Bavaria has banned completely smoking areas.

Workplace: Employers must take steps to protect the rights of employees against the risks of passive smoking.


Public Places: since 1 January 2009, public places (including restaurants and bars according to their area) should provide a smoking room separately.

Workplaces : ban since 2005.


Public Places: Smoking ban in public places since 1 January 2006 and in restaurants since January 1, 2007 (allowed in bars and cafes).

Workplaces : ban since 1 January 2006.


Public Places:
ban smoking in public places since 1974. Partial ban in restaurants and cafes since 2005 (separate room with special ventilation).

partial ban since 2005 (separate room with special ventilation).


Public Places: Smoking banned in public places since 2002. Partial ban in restaurants and cafes (separate room with special ventilation). Including banning smoking in a private car with a passenger under 16 years.

Workplaces: The law provides that every company should establish its own regulations, providing for protection of non-smokers.


Public Places: Smoking banned since August 15, 2007, including in cafes and bars (with exceptions)

: people who share their office with no colleague can continue to smoke. The smoking rooms are allowed.


Public Places: Ban on smoking in public places since 1 January 2006, but exceptions are planned. Smoking is prohibited in bars and restaurants of more than 100 sqm but these structures can develop closed smoking rooms. Restaurants and bars within 100 m should indicate clearly whether they are smokers or nonsmokers.

total ban since 1 January 2006.


Public Places: Prohibited in all public places (2005) and bars and restaurants (2007) with some exceptions (ventilated smoking area).

Workplaces : ban since 2005 (except separate room and ventilated).


Public Places: Ban since June 2007. Smoking areas can be sealed completely furnished. Ban smoking before age 18. Partial ban in bars and restaurants (except separate room and ventilated).

Workplaces total ban (except separate room).


Public places
: After the Act of January 10, 1991, called "Evin law", which posited the principle of banning smoking in all premises for collective use, no smoking in cafes, tobacco, restaurants, nightclubs and casinos since 1 January 2008 (except separate room and ventilated). A smoker in violation incurs a violation of 68 euros. Innkeepers and restaurateurs may EUR 135 fine for failure to display or regulation establishing a location-smoking non-compliant.

Workplaces total ban.


Public Places:
ban smoking in public places since 2003 (with exceptions), including in bars and restaurants since July 2009 (except separate room with special ventilation).

Workplaces: ban since July 2009 (except separate room and ventilated).


Public Places:
since 1999 banning smoking in certain public places. Smoking and non smoking areas required in bars and restaurants since May 2004. Prohibition of sales to less than 18 years.

the workplace can be declared non-smoking if the majority of employees agree.


Public Places:
Total ban (except hotel rooms, prisons, nursing homes and psychiatric institutions).

since March 29, 2004, it banned smoking in all workplaces.


Public Places: ban since January 10, 2005 in all public places (except for separate smoking area and ventilated) .

: ban since January 10, 2005.


Public Places: ban since 2002. Smoking areas are arranged in restaurants and cafes. Ban smoking within 10 meters of an office building.

Workplaces total ban (except closed and ventilated room).


Public Places: a total ban. Fine up to 1400 euros.

total ban since 1 January 2007 (with exceptions).


Public Places: since September 6, 2006, the smoking ban for restaurants, snack bars, teahouses and assimilated but not pubs that serve food. The prohibition prevails from 12h to 14h and 19h to 21h. Another shade for restaurants that have set up a smokehouse.

Workplace: The employer must take all necessary measures to protect non-smokers.


Public Places: a total ban since March 2005 (except closed and ventilated room). Fine up to 1250 euros.

: ban since 2004 (except closed and ventilated room).


Public Places: ban since July 1, 2008 (space separated and ventilated smoking allowed).

: ban since 1 January 2004 (ventilated separate smoking area and tolerated).


Public Places: Smoking ban in public schools, cafes and restaurants except in designated smoking areas. In transport, it is allow smoking in separate cars.

Workplaces : ban smoking except in smoking rooms.


Public Places: partial ban. There are smoking areas in theaters and cinemas. Parliament passed a bill May 3, 2007 prohibiting smoking in most public places except bars and restaurants of more than 100m2, which can install a non-smoker.

Workplaces : partial ban (space separated and ventilated smoking tolerated).

Czech Republic

public places since January 2006, a partial ban in certain public places, including bars and restaurants.

Workplace: Employers must make sure not to expose non-smokers to tobacco smoke.


Public Places: smoking ban since 2002, for bars and restaurants of more than 100m ² (excluding space and separate smoking).

: smoking ban since 2002 (except for separate smoking area).


Public Places: the decree of February 14, 2006 providing for the total ban on smoking came into force on 1 July 2007. In Scotland there is no smoking in enclosed public places since March 26, 2006. On 1 July 2007, Britain extended the ban to pubs and shopping malls. A similar measure came into force on 2 April 2007 in Wales.

Workplaces : some workplaces, including hospices, offshore installations and submarines from the ban.


Public Places: banning smoking in public establishments, including restaurants (permissible smoking area) since 2005. Establishments do not serve food or not decide to ban smoking.

: Since 1997, the law prohibits smoking in workplaces if employees are nonsmokers.


Public Places: Smoking ban in public since August 5, 2007, except in restaurants with separate smoking area and ventilated. Prohibiting the sale of at least 18 years.

Workplaces : partial ban (smoking area tolerated).


Public Places: since 2004, banning smoking in restaurants, bars and cafes except in one Hausdorff space and ventilation. Banning smoking in hospitals and schools in 1993.

: smoking ban since 1993 except in a separate, ventilated area.


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