Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sasuke And Sakura Fanfiction Lemon

Willkommen in Deutschland - Arthur Bricet - The Franco-German friendship is a chance for our two countries


On December 4, a new webzine appeared on the canvas, and not any! This is a Franco-German webzine : Willkommen in Deutschland (Welcome to Germany) :

And who best to present it as his creator, Arthur Bricet ? Here's a little interview:

Romain Galati-Can you introduce yourself briefly?

Arthur Bricet - My name is Arthur, I'm French and I'm 14 years old. I go to school every day like all people my age. My hobbies are computer, aerospace, and of course foreign languages. I am passionate Germany, a country that I love: I was lucky enough to live two months in a German family, and I go every year in Germany through an exchange organized by my college.

RG-Where did you get your passion for Germany?

AB - When I was little, I played with Playmobil, famous figures German. So I loved playing it, I wanted to work for Playmobil in Germany. A few years later my passion for toys was outdated, but it is by being a fan of a German television series that I wanted to start learning German in CE2. Over time, I discovered Germany more generally. It is from this moment when I realized it was a real passion German culture and I liked the same for the German language.

RG-How did your project WID? Can you introduce the concept?

AB - WID was born in 2009. I wanted to create a website in Germany, so I started a blog / site in June 2009. But the concept does not please me, so I gave up. It was in August 2010 that I took the project back from my two months in Germany. On 4 December 2010 the site was put online, but this time as a new concept: a webzine. Each season, a new edition is online. And do not lose visitors, big events are tracked on the German webzine with special pages.

RG-What is your point of view the Franco-German today? What problems and what could be the solutions?

AB - I think the Franco-German friendship is a chance for our two countries . There are many ways to go to Germany, especially for young people. The relations between our two countries are very interesting, especially within the European Union where there are two important players who must work together to evolve.

The main problem for me is the French prejudices that go against Germany. I do not understand how people can afford to criticize a country, language as he does not know him at all. And more frustrating in all this is that they ride in Audi, they do their kitchen with oven Bosh and they scent the Hugo Boss! Unfortunately it is difficult to change attitudes . The solution would be to send these people in Germany, so they can then give a decent opinion on the country.

RG-Do you have other projects and other passions?

AB - For now, WID takes me a long time, but I'm sure some new ideas for my webzine, such as a music player in Germany. I also intend to participate in various events with organizations as FGYO . But for now nothing is sure yet, the site is brand new.

I do not really have other passions besides my projects. But although I like meeting my friends, listening to music, watching television, reading, sports ...

RG-Finally, what are your wishes for 2011?

AB - I wish every success to my zine and I hope it will be useful and will give pleasure to readers! Happy New Year 2011! Ein Frohes neues Jahr 2011!

website Willkommen in Deutschland:

Also find the webzine on Facebook:

And on Twitter: #! / WIDeutschland


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