Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Long Does An Extinguisher Last

Looking for a German in France - Too many abbreviations in France?

"Suffering from a phobia of foreign languages, they find as the only way to escape this poverty, creating abbreviations for each word in order to confuse all foreigners." MS

This is what writing a German friend living in France on his blog about the French.

For French, it is not always easy to have the necessary distance from his own language. We do not always see the difficulties and inconsistencies that may meet foreigners who learn French.

It is true that between the SMIC CAF, SNCF and other RTT, it is sometimes difficult to navigate.
I realized the problem of French abbreviations in Germany, in a French translation German courses where students Belgians were present. The exercise was the translation of Le Monde editorials in German. While speaking, they had great difficulty in translating these editorials because they were filled with abbreviations or references Franco-French. must not only know the language, but also the functioning of the country or references cultural.

For example, it is not unusual to talk in the press for news of Matignon, the last controversy of Solferino street or what happens at the Quai d'Orsay. For someone who does not know France, news of the hexagon are a real puzzle.

And the latest developments of the language among young people with texting will not fix the situation ...

So, too many abbreviations in French? What do you think?

Quiz Do you know the following acronyms?


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