Friday, January 7, 2011

Homemade Stuffed Mole On A Snowboard

U.S. outraged by the new partner of Batman Muslim

To help him in his difficult task, is to fight injustice on the planet, Batman decides to select super-hero "associates". In France, he chose a Muslim 22 year-old from a tough neighborhood. The debate rages.

Criminals, Nazi psychopaths: the comic book superhero Batman U.S. has faced many enemies since its inception in 1939. But since he has recruited a Muslim to help fight crime in Paris, that conservatives in his own country he is facing.

"The Batman is a French Muslim immigrants. His name is Bilal and Asselah is a Sunni Muslim Algerian, an immigrant in excellent physical shape, adept parkour (discipline of gymnastics and urban climbing, ed)," writes American blogger Warner Todd Huston on his site Publius Forum.

"Apparently Batman could not find a real French to be the" savior French, "quips the American author, conservative activist, who seems to exclude from its definition of" real French "the millions of French origin North Africa.

A super-hero in the suburbs

In two journals edited and published by DC Comics in December, the hero mask bat decides to select super-heroes to help fight crime in major cities worldwide.

In France, it selects Nightrunner, a young man of 22 year-old from Clichy-sous-Bois, a tough neighborhood north of Paris, which are parties that have ignited the riots in France in November 2005.

The first page of the comic book recalls these events, through three vignettes "Paris, City of Culture", "Paris, City of Love" and "city of music, food and wine" illustrated by graffiti "deep rage," youth hooded rioters and a Molotov cocktail.

Bilal Asselah is mistakenly arrested by police and beaten during the clashes. Thanks to the influence of his mother, a devout Muslim, he rejects any feeling of hatred and concealed under the mask and costume black Nightrunner, becomes a superhero determined to achieve justice. But for bloggers
American conservatives, such as choosing a Muslim super-hero is a new concession to political correctness.

"At a time when Muslim youths terrorizing France, while the Muslim terror attacks worldwide, players are immersed in Batman confusion", denounced Warner Todd Huston.

's blog Angry White Dude (the guy in white anger) mocks the editor suggesting to give "The Muslim Nightrunner strange new powers, such as burying women up to size and crush their heads with rifle rocks", a reference to the practice of stoning.

"If you're so sick and tired of these nonsense-Islam, watch out for my next album, The Unfaithful, featuring Pigman (man pig), a former superhero has become the nightmare of Muslim jihadists "ahead of his side comic book Fawstin Bosch.

The publisher DC Comics has refused to comment on the controversy.


It rappelle qu'on doit la stupidité de l'invention du "politiquement correct" et du "communautarisme" aux...anglo-saxons.


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